NASM CPT Podcast Hypertrophy Podcast Bodybuilding

Introducing the all-new NASM Peak Physique Podcast dedicated to the world of physique and bodybuilding! In this exciting podcast series, hosted by Andre Adams, NASM Master Trainer, Olympian, and IFBB Pro, we'll be your guides on a journey through the art ...
Fitness Training Benefits Hypertrophy

Muscle hypertrophy is the process of increasing muscle size, typically through weightlifting and resistance training. Getting big, toned muscles is one of the most common goals Certified Personal Trainers help their clients achieve. One thing to remember ...
Nutrition spotlight Hypertrophy

As you prepare yourself a nice dinner, you may think to pair the meal with a nice wine. Or perhaps the weekend rolls around and you plan social outings with friends or relatives, in which you think to indulge in a few drinks.

Creatine monohydrate is currently the most effective performance enhancement supplement for persons seeking to improve their high-intensity exercise capacity (i.e., acute performance enhancement including the quality of each training session and ...
Workout Plans spotlight Hypertrophy

With any training regimen the body is always in a state of adaptation. To continuously improve performance over time, your training must be modified to increase the acute variables and progressively overload the muscles.
Research Study Nutrition Hypertrophy

Influenced by popular media and body image expectations; female strength athletes often engage in nutrition practices that may be counterproductive to a goal of skeletal muscle growth (hypertrophy). Many female strength athletes will pursue a goal of ...
Nutrition Hypertrophy Behavior Change

Gaining muscle is not quite as easy as going to the gym and lifting weights. That is just one part of the equation. In reality, gaining muscle requires two main things: a stimulus for growth and the energy to grow tissue.
American Fitness Magazine Hypertrophy OPT Model

Originally appeared in the fall 2017 issue of the American Fitness Magazine. The desire to increase muscle size and strength have inspired their fair share of fads and pseudoscience, promising impressive gains if you do this or buy that. There is ...
American Fitness Magazine Hypertrophy OPT Model

"Most of my training in my adult life has been with the Phase 3 guidelines. I just didn’t know it until I became certified with NASM 15 years ago,” says Aaron Guy, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, FNS, and competitor with the National Physique Committee. “Hypertrophy ...
CES stretching Hypertrophy Muscles

Discomfort from too much sitting? Inactive glutes? Buttock and leg pain? Though small in size, the piriformis could have a big impact on keeping the human movement system moving smoothly. Addressing an overactive piriformis may be part of the solution.