Why is it that some people, regardless of the industry they work in, the challenges they face, or their stage in life seem to remain optimistic and solution-focused? They take feedback well, roll with challenges, and make great teammates.

Imposter syndrome is a common internal experience that can occur to anyone even in the fitness world. The good news is that individuals who might experience Imposter Syndrome can work on these tendencies and slowly chip away and overcome these thoughts ...

As health and wellness professionals, we are always looking at tools we can use with our clients to help them develop and gain personal insights that can propel them into taking future actions.

You may have heard that abs are built in the kitchen. While this is partially true, it's not the full story. While a healthy dose of body fat is a sign of overall health and wellness, body fat ought to be evenly distributed (and not just in certain areas ...

Motivation is one of those “squishy” ideas. We intuitively know what we are talking about when we speak about motivation, but it can be very difficult to define and put concrete ideas around it.
Nutrition spotlight Behavior Change

One of my biggest interests in health and fitness is behavioral coaching. Many chronic health issues boil down to decisions people make day in and day out. Coaching is both an art and a science that can help people change their behavior and thus their ...

As a behavior change specialist, many of our clients like to set new goals for the New Year. By this time of the year, however, it’s estimated that a large majority of people who set New Year’s Resolutions have already given up. If you work in a larger ...
Nutrition Hypertrophy Behavior Change

Gaining muscle is not quite as easy as going to the gym and lifting weights. That is just one part of the equation. In reality, gaining muscle requires two main things: a stimulus for growth and the energy to grow tissue.

Meeting new people can lead to many things in life. For personal trainers and behavior change specialists specifically, the situation can offer up opportunities to network, connect with someone in a new field or part of town, and potentially even gain a ...
Christopher & Kara Mohr
May 13, 2020
It has often been said that nutrition is 90% of the game and training just 10%. The truth is that fitness and nutrition are equally important for various reasons, and it's not just a 50/50 game because there are many other equally important habits or ...