Kyle Stull

Kyle Stull, DHSc, MS, LMT, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, NASM Master Instructor, is a faculty instructor for NASM. Kyle is also an Adjunct Professor for Concordia University Chicago.
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American Fitness Magazine Hypertrophy OPT Model

Originally appeared in the fall 2017 issue of the American Fitness Magazine. The desire to increase muscle size and strength have inspired their fair share of fads and pseudoscience, promising impressive gains if you do this or buy that. There is ...
Weight Loss American Fitness Magazine OPT Model

Originally published in the spring 2017 issue of American Fitness Magazine. Uplifting news: Just 4 weeks of resistance training can decrease body fat and waist size. Resistance training and the 2nd phase of the OPT™ model is a must for any weight loss ...

As the saying goes, “if you are not assessing, you’re guessing.” Assessments provide personal trainers with an array of valuable information about each client. This information includes objective data, such as heart rate and blood pressure, along with ...

Becoming a Corrective Exercise Specialist has many benefits and can help you expand your expertise and increase your income. Here are the top five reasons Certified Personal Trainers should become a Corrective Exercise Specialist.

The foam rolling market has exploded with rollers that have different shapes, densities, textures, and designs. Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release technique that is commonly used by Corrective Exercise Specialists. It wasn’t until just recently ...

Corrective Exercises are all about helping people move and feel better whether it’s while working out or just living their everyday life. In order to accomplish this, it requires a true and in-depth understanding of four phases that comprise the ...

Originally published in the 2019 winter issue of American Fitness Magazine Humans seem to be prone to many different syndromes. One definition of the word syndrome on is “a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and ...

In the last decade, the use of foam rolling has become increasingly popular for athletes and average Joes alike. Foam rolling as a corrective exercise method makes sense – they feel "good," seem to work well, have an excellent cost to benefit ratio, and ...

When we think of corrective exercise, we often picture the process of trying to correct a less than optimal movement pattern with rolling, lengthening, activation, and integration techniques.
CPT American Fitness Magazine OPT Model Recovery

Getting the most out of each workout requires more than just following a great training program. Consistent performance also requires an optimal balance between training and recovery. Mention the subject to most clients, though, and you’re likely to meet ...