Geoff Lecovin
June 14, 2017
It's been said that Americans have more food than any other country in the world and more diets to keep them from it. Diet and fitness trends come and go. Currently we are in a low-carb/high-fat craze, yet for many years it was high-carb/low-fat.

A growing epidemic facing the next generation of Americans is childhood obesity. This epidemic will have lasting effects on health, wellbeing, and rising healthcare costs. In fact, childhood obesity has roughly tripled over the past 30 years (1). Experts ...
Amanda Vogel, MA
June 14, 2017
As stereotypes go, you could say group fitness is the domain of women. Men are of course welcome. It’s just that, at many facilities, they seem to overlook group fitness classes as a viable workout option. But why? One good guess is the way group ...
CPT Fitness Weight Loss Workout Plans Nutrition
Geoff Lecovin
June 14, 2017
The "Dad Bod" is a male body type that is described as "softly round." The theory around the “Dad Bod” is that once a man has found a mate and had kids, he doesn't need to worry about maintaining his physique.
Fitness Sports Performance Weight Loss Nutrition
Geoff Lecovin
June 14, 2017
Besides being a tasty snack and versatile ingredient for a range of dishes, cherries bring a host of health and performance benefits. Grab a handful of fresh cherries as you take a quick read about this nutritious food and get ready to try the recipes at ...
David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA
May 27, 2017
We can all relate to our mothers telling us to “sit up” and “don’t slouch” when we were kids but never really took it to heart. Now research is indicating that mom actually did know best about posture.
Christine Romani-Ruby
May 27, 2017
Range of motion is an important part of any conditioning program. Increasing flexibility through training improves joint motion, while a decrease in flexibility results in less motion at the joint. Enhanced flexibility can provide many benefits, including
Fitness HIIT Training Benefits Weight Loss Cardio

Metabolic conditioning is more than just cardiorespiratory exercise. As a fitness professional, you need to be able to design a conditioning program for your clients that effectively addresses their unique physiology, as well as providing them the ...

If you want to specialize in helping clients lose weight - our program will give you the necessary credentials for the job. Check it out here! A quick Google search for the topic of program design for weight loss provides well over 2 million results. ...

See how foam rolling plus a dynamic warm-up affected performance testing results in college athletes.