Tightness of the tensor fascia lata (TFL) and weakness in the gluteals is a common muscle imbalance seen in the lumbo-pelvic-hip region. One of the keys in helping to improve this imbalance is to strengthen the gluetal muscles with minimal activity of ...
Research Study Women's Fitness

Altered hip mechanics (hip adduction, contralateral pelvic drop, internal rotation) are often associated with patellofemoral pain in female runners. This study evaluated basic gait retraining techniques using a full-length mirror in female runners with ...

Traditionally, reactive or power training has been viewed as training used exclusively in athlete’s programs. Although this is an important component in the athlete’s protocol, it’s an equally important component in the exercise program for a typical gym ...

Speed and agility training is crucial for basketball players to improve footwork skills as well as improve cardio-respiratory stamina. Speed and agility training is also key in decreasing injury for basketball players. This article will review the ...

It’s been said that in the first seven seconds of a customer or client meeting you, they’ll make 11 impressions about you. Make them positive impressions with our 10 quick tips to building positive rapport. A common error made by many health and fitness ...

By: Scott Lucett, MS, NASM-CPT, PES, CES We’ve all seen the research about the negative impact sitting for extended periods of time has on our health. But most of us have to sit, at least for a portion of our day. Read on to learn ways to address the ...

By: Brian Sutton MS, MA, CES, PES, NASM-CPT The combative sport of mixed martial arts (MMA) has gained a great deal of popularity on both a national and international scale, particularly with the emergence of the Ultimate Fighting Championship®. MMA is a ...

By: Joshua J Stone, MA, ATC, NASM-CPT, CES, PES Injuries in golf occur as they do during participation in any athletic orientated activity. Research indicates injuries in golf relate to functions of age, skill level, and frequency of play. According to ...