The Optimum Performance Training (OPT™) model is a planned, systematic, periodized training system. It is designed to concomitantly improve all functional abilities including flexibility, core strength, muscular endurance, neuromuscular control, and ...

When performing client assessments, do you ask if they are right or left handed? Handedness is not usually a standard question on assessment forms, but maybe it should be added. Handedness can have a definite impact on posture and the risk for developing ...

By Sam Hutchison BS, NASM-CPT In today’s culture, antioxidants have become synonymous with healthy living. They can be seen in sports drinks, energy bars and supplements which are marketed to provide better health and function. Antioxidants can also be ...

Are your nutrition clients going gluten-free? This topic is sure to cause some strong opinions and sharing of stories of how a gluten-free diet has changed someone’s life. The goal here is to share some of the details regarding gluten, who really needs ...

By Sari Harrar As fitness professionals, we know how to assess and help our clients physically. We often guide them nutritionally. And we even have motivational tools to help them mentally. But could there be a key ingredient we’re not calling into play? ...

With the hot weather upon us in the northern hemisphere, this marks a time for many to get outdoors and enjoy the warm weather, but caution should always be exercised given the potential risks for dehydration. Fluid is perhaps the most important, but ...

Do your nutrient clients eat mindlessly? From our underlying clean plate mentality, to dietary danger zones, to chicken wings, storage containers and taller glasses, help them discover strategies to incorporate mindful tactics to overcome barriers to ...

The action of breathing is commonly taken for granted; however, dysfunctional breathing can lead to, or be the result of, dysfunction of the kinetic chain. This article will review the difference between proper and dysfunctional breathing, how ...

By Fabio Comana, MA, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES Running shoe, minimalist shoe, or just taking it all off and going bare? Take a walk with us as we share how the type of footwear worn impacts running style and how to step into a minimalist transition training ...

Dysfunction at the foot and ankle complex can lead to a variety of musculoskeletal issues in other regions of the kinetic chain that can eventually lead to injury. In this article, we’ll review the common postural distortion pattern, Pronation Distortion ...