In recent years, we’ve heard a lot about the ill effects of prolonged sitting. Articles, blog posts and TV news segments all point to rising pains and diseases thanks to sedentary lifestyles at home (or at school). Sitting for a long time every day ...

As the saying goes, “if you are not assessing, you’re guessing.” Assessments provide personal trainers with an array of valuable information about each client. This information includes objective data, such as heart rate and blood pressure, along with ...

Becoming a Corrective Exercise Specialist has many benefits and can help you expand your expertise and increase your income. Here are the top five reasons Certified Personal Trainers should become a Corrective Exercise Specialist.
CPT Research Study American Fitness Magazine

Published research can sound as though it’s written in a different language. If you can’t understand the title of a paper, you may think it won’t get any better if you read on. As a result, many people never read beyond the abstract, which summarizes the ...

We live in an age of “miracle foods," where we proclaim certain foods to have magical properties and that consuming them in your daily life is a cure-all for most health problems. Sadly, this isn't true. Yet, even though there aren’t “miracle foods” or ...

Functional anatomy helps us better understand movement. How do muscles produce, reduce, and stabilize forces along with their joint actions and plane of motion. In this episode the following muscles are reviewed:
Amanda Vogel, MA
February 27, 2020
Many fitness pros are growing tired of the social media “game” as we know it: posting pictures or videos to attract a lot of likes, complimentary comments, and a potential flood of new followers. As social media becomes more crowded with fitness-based ...

One of the requirements for a coach to be “good” is their ability to relay information to a client so that they can correctly and comfortably execute strength training movements. The inability to do this contributes to incorrect form, which in turn ...

New clients, or even those that you’ve been working with for some time, can all benefit from focusing some of their training on stabilization work. Without a strong structural base to move from, how can we continue to build upon our foundation or safely ...
Nino Magaddino
February 19, 2020
Fit or not, pay attention to the warning signs your heart is giving you. Your life depends on it. Even as "fit" fitness professionals, we are not immune to heart disease. Here's how this NASM Master Trainer found out.