If you have a personal trainer certification (or any fitness credential), having professional liability insurance can protect against legal claims made by a client if something unfortunate happens. Whether you are independent or employed, having ...
spotlight Personal Trainer Marketing

Personal training can be one of the most rewarding careers an individual can pursue. You get to connect with people on a meaningful level, you positively impact their lives, and you can work in a field that you are passionate about.
CPT Personal Trainer Marketing
Why did you start your career in the fitness industry? Was it because you want to use your passion for fitness to improve others' lives? Did you experience a significant weight loss and want to help others do the same? Are you a former athlete who wants ...
CPT Personal Trainer Marketing

There is a wide range of benefits of having multiple streams of income regardless of your field. In the fitness industry, taking advantage of various streams of income can include numerous options. Over the years, I have implemented this strategy in my ...
CPT Personal Trainer Marketing

As a personal trainer, forming your own fitness business can come with its fair share of challenges. Ensuring your marketing is on par with the vision you have for your business is an important facet of a thriving personal training practice.
CPT Advice Personal Trainer Marketing

Too many fitness professionals and business owners end up going down a rabbit hole when putting together a website. They waste a lot of time doing unnecessary things. Worse, they often don't take many actions that are required. Should certified personal ...
Amanda Vogel, MA
February 27, 2020
Many fitness pros are growing tired of the social media “game” as we know it: posting pictures or videos to attract a lot of likes, complimentary comments, and a potential flood of new followers. As social media becomes more crowded with fitness-based ...
Nutrition American Fitness Magazine Personal Trainer Marketing

The news isn’t good regarding the influence of social media on the foods children prefer. In a study published in Pediatrics (2019; 143 [4]) of 176 children ages 9–11, doctoral candidate Anna Coates of the University of Liverpool found that the youth who ...

CPT Personal Trainer Marketing

The strength of your business is equal to the strength of your network. Here’s what I mean… Many fitness professionals and personal trainers invest huge amounts of time learning their craft. They work hard to get certified, and then want to get down to ...