Dr. Scott Cheatham

Dr. Scott Cheatham has a PhD and DPT in Physical Therapy and is a Professor of Kinesiology at CSU Dominguez Hills in Carson, California. He is owner of
Sports Medicine Alliance, Inc. a sports physical therapy practice. He has also authored 120 publications on a wide range of subjects including: health, fitness, orthopedics, and sports medicine. Additionally, Dr. Scott Cheatham is a NASM CPT, CES, PES, and CNC. You can find him on LinkedIn by
following this link
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If you have a personal trainer certification (or any fitness credential), having professional liability insurance can protect against legal claims made by a client if something unfortunate happens. Whether you are independent or employed, having ...
Workout Plans COVID-19 spotlight

The fitness professional may play a vital role in helping post-COVID-19 clients return to physical activity. COVID-19 can have a significant impact on an individual’s health resulting in possible long-term complications.

The COVID-19 virus can have a significant impact on an individual’s health and ability to exercise. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has noted 11 main COVID-19 symptoms: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, ...

COVID-19 has spread worldwide, causing the fifth documented pandemic in history since the 1918 flu pandemic (Liu et al., 2020). The pandemic has had a significant impact on the world, resulting in humans having to isolate themselves to prevent community ...

Your client has just recovered from COVID-19 and is cleared by the medical professional to return to exercise. The client contacts you to schedule a training session.

In 2007, a group of physical therapy scholars published a scientific paper that formalized a musculoskeletal examination and treatment paradigm called the Regional Interdependence Model (RI) (Wainner et al., 2007). Let's explore further how the RI model ...

How clean is your facility? This question is one every personal trainer should ask themselves. With the onset of the COVID-19 virus and the presence of other harmful germs (bacteria, viruses, fungus), trainers need to review their disinfecting procedures ...