CPT Personal Trainer Marketing

Running a fitness business is a unique venture. Whether it’s a personal training company, a fitness studio, boot camp or a full-service gym, there are aspects to running a business in the fitness industry that are specific to the fitness industry. Some ...
Amanda Vogel, MA
July 11, 2018
Fitness instructors and trainers are always looking for new exercise ideas to bring to their fitness classes, and there have never been more options at our fingertips, thanks to social media marketing. Picking up new ideas is as easy as
Fitness Personal Trainer Marketing

Here’s what happens behind the scenes to bring new ideas to market.
CPT Personal Trainer Marketing
Tyler Read
April 25, 2018
Video marketing is kind of a big deal right now. In fact, there has been a big hype around it for the last couple of years and everybody’s trying to get in on it. From thirteen-year-olds to start-ups or even established brands, everybody is marketing on ...
CPT Fitness Personal Trainer Marketing
Amanda Vogel, MA
February 13, 2017
As a personal trainer, you’re already skilled at holding clients accountable and pumping up their motivation. But, hey, it doesn't hurt to have a few additional tricks up your sleeve.
Fitness Personal Trainer Marketing

There is ONE MISTAKE we see far too many fitness business owners making that’s incredibly painful to watch. And in many cases their business is going under (they’re currently broke) because…
CPT Personal Trainer Marketing Featured Post C

“I’m too busy! I don’t have the time to invest in marketing...” “I’ve tried marketing before, but I’ve never gotten good results…” “I wouldn’t even know where to start, it all seems so confusing…” Sound familiar? A LOT of fitness business owners have a ...
CPT Fitness Personal Trainer Marketing
Amanda Vogel, MA
October 18, 2016
It’s possible to build a strong client base via social media, but like any type of fitness marketing, it requires time and a little strategizing. Here are five ways to get more clients to meet you on social while also attracting new prospects there.
CPT Fitness Personal Trainer Marketing

Looking to grow your business? Just add fresh air and sunshine! Outdoor training sessions offer trainers a change of scenery, a return to simpler exercises, and a new way to appeal to clients. To help you avoid potential pitfalls, we asked NASM Master ...