Sean Greeley

Sean Greeley, Founder and CEO of NPE, has an unrelenting passion for empowering fitness business owners to grow their business and create the life they want. Since 2006, NPE has helped over 45,000+ fitness professionals and business owners in 96+ countries grow to the next level. Need a better business plan to achieve your goals in the year ahead? Learn how to accelerate your success at
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CPT Advice Personal Trainer Marketing

Too many fitness professionals and business owners end up going down a rabbit hole when putting together a website. They waste a lot of time doing unnecessary things. Worse, they often don't take many actions that are required. Should certified personal ...

CPT Personal Trainer Marketing

The strength of your business is equal to the strength of your network. Here’s what I mean… Many fitness professionals and personal trainers invest huge amounts of time learning their craft. They work hard to get certified, and then want to get down to ...
Fitness Personal Trainer Marketing

There is ONE MISTAKE we see far too many fitness business owners making that’s incredibly painful to watch. And in many cases their business is going under (they’re currently broke) because…
CPT Personal Trainer Marketing Featured Post C

“I’m too busy! I don’t have the time to invest in marketing...” “I’ve tried marketing before, but I’ve never gotten good results…” “I wouldn’t even know where to start, it all seems so confusing…” Sound familiar? A LOT of fitness business owners have a ...

Whether you’re a new business owner or you’re looking to boost your current revenue, a solid advertising plan can result in a huge payoff for your fitness business. While this can bring in some serious income, it doesn’t take a major financial investment ...