One of the most popular items to add to a lunch box, find out what the latest research is suggesting regarding the health and performance benefits of apples. From increased muscle size to decreased obesity, apples bring more than just flavor to the fall.

If you are like most fitness professionals, reading about exercise technique can be confusing with so many opinions floating around as fact. It is hard to get a grasp on what is right, what is fallacy and what really matters when it comes to exercise ...
David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA
October 16, 2015
We all know that our clients are doing good things for their bodies while we are with them, but probably not during the other hours of the week. Especially the prolonged time they potentially spend sitting, now considered detrimental to overall health. ...
Jena Walther, MS
October 16, 2015
Don’t be afraid of that man wearing the mask on the treadmill next to you. Even though he looks like a cross between a burglar and Hannibal Lecter, he probably means you no harm. He’s wearing what’s known as an “altitude mask,” and despite your concerns, ...
CPT Fitness Sports Performance Cardio

Looking for an easy way to assess your client's current level of cardio and aerobic efficiency? Using the talk test to identify their ventilatory threshold can help do just that. Plus, learning to apply this information gives you the details needed to ...
Emily Bailey
September 9, 2015
Fall is football season and what does football season mean? It means it’s time to bring out the tailgating gear! Tailgating is meant to be a fun event shared with family and friends, but there are steps we can take to make sure we are adequately prepared ...
Jena Walther, MS
August 27, 2015
Exercise can bring numerous benefits to older adults, both physically and psychologically, so why aren’t they active enough? Sometimes the biggest challenges to training this group, or even getting them to attempt any exercise at all, are their perceived ...

Cardio programs continue to evolve given the changing needs and desires of exercisers. Driven in part by time constraints, but also by emerging research, it is the shorter, more-intense, yet time-efficient programs that are perhaps the most popular ...
Jena Walther, MS
July 24, 2015
Trained athletes and clients alike are monitoring their intakes and percentages of critical fuels - carbohydrates, fats, and protein - but are potentially falling short on their micronutrient needs. These trace players in the diet can have a significant ...
CES Sports Performance Workout Plans Joint Health
DeWayne Smith, MS, NASM-CES, PES, CNC
July 23, 2015
Are your swimming clients at risk for Swimmer’s Shoulder? The repetitive overhead movements, combined with faulty stroke mechanics and postural distortion patterns can place the shoulder joint in a risky position. Put the NASM Corrective Exercise ...