David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA
January 20, 2016
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are one of the most common among young female athletes occurring at a conservative estimate of 38,000 incidences per year. (1) With the cost of a surgical repair ranging between $17,000-$25,000 (2), the economic ...
CPT Fitness Sports Performance Weight Loss
Josh Trent
January 12, 2016
In the new era of fitness technology, 2016 offers fitness professionals advanced tools to coach and motivate their clients like never before. With new health applications ( like NASM EDGE) promising to help inspire users towards better nutrition, taking ...

Are you seeking a new cardio routine? Guidelines from various leading health and fitness organization tell us we need to participate in cardio activities five times a week for a total of 150 minutes if we plan to exercise at moderate intensities; or ...
David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA
December 17, 2015
Shoulder pain and shoulder injuries related to the rotator cuff are common issues within the general population and among athletes. This article will provide you with background knowledge and practical suggestions on how to prevent or improve conditions ...
Emily Bailey
December 17, 2015
If you have an overall balanced nutrient intake, your pre, during, and post workout fuel and hydration can make a huge impact on your performance, recovery between workouts, and injury prevention. Your overall training diet is more important than any ...

In this second mindful eating article, we reveal several simple ideas that can make big differences with weight loss without having to consciously feel deprived of everything you enjoy.
Fitness Holidays Workout Plans

Partner up and have some Thanksgiving Day fitness fun with family and friends. These ten activities can be done by just about everyone.
CES Sports Performance Joint Health
David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA
November 19, 2015
Shoulder pain and shoulder injuries are among the most common conditions within the general population and among athletes. Approximately 75 to 80% of these are caused by conditions related to the rotator cuff (1). The rotator cuff consists of four ...

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that impairs the body’s ability to either produce or effectively use insulin, a key hormone for moving glucose from the bloodstream to the working muscles. Diabetes is currently ranked as the seventh leading cause of ...
Emily Bailey
November 7, 2015
“Well, there it is again… another disappointing number. I just don’t understand. I trained hard at the gym all this week and I know I ate healthy too. I was feeling great until I saw the number on the scale that indicated I haven’t lost a pound this ...