The beginning of every new year always starts with a resolution to eat healthier, right? And the origin of said resolution derives from the back-to-back holidays that occur between October through December. If you aren’t tempted to snack on your kid’s ...

As an eating disorder survivor, the holiday season can be scary. In early recovery days, my mental approach to the holidays looked something like this: First, it was Thanksgiving, a whole holiday about food, listening to people talk about their diet ...

The holiday season can be a stressful time to adhere to a regular diet schedule. There are holiday parties, travel, an abundance of holiday goodies lying around the house, and there is more time spent indoors and less time exercising.
CPT Fitness Holidays Workout Plans
Scott Keppel
November 16, 2017
Thanksgiving is almost here, and if you’re like most, you’re going to over indulge in the foods and treats shared during this feast. Knowing you may over consume, and even if you don’t, these two workouts are guaranteed to help you burn a little extra

Halloween is just around the corner, which means just one thing, copious amounts of sugar-loaded treats void of any real nutritional value—the splurge that is all in the spirit of Halloween. But is it worth the results you and your clients have worked so ...

We've highlighted seven end-of-year client challenges and provided solutions to help keep them on track. Early planning and preparation can help you and your clients continue to succeed into the New Year.
Fitness Holidays Workout Plans

Partner up and have some Thanksgiving Day fitness fun with family and friends. These ten activities can be done by just about everyone.
Fitness Holidays Weight Loss Nutrition

We all know the holidays are a time where we find it hard to resist the temptations of over-indulging, often leading to feelings of guilt, anger and disappointment if we lose the battle of the bulge. So what do many of us do?