Supplements have been at the heart of athletes for millennia. There are reports of athletes consuming non-traditional food items before the competition to improve performance as far back as the original Olympic Games.

“Make sure you stretch!” - Something we often hear before or after we participate in any sort of exercise. But is stretching that good for you? What exactly are the benefits of having a regular stretching routine?

Newton had it right all along: For every action, there is indeed a reaction. In 2021 this means that however hard we work towards our fitness goals, wellness goals, and professional goals, we must work that hard or harder towards recovery.

Many organizations have started asking their employees to return to work onsite after they had been working remotely during the last year and a half due to the pandemic. While very few companies have transitioned to a full-remote work model, most of the ...
Jace Fuchs
September 10, 2021
In previous articles, we examined the first four phases of the Optimum Performance Training (OPT) model. We are now onto the last level and phase of the OPT model: Phase 5 Power Training. Before jumping into the specifics of Phase 5, let’s briefly review ...
Jace Fuchs
September 7, 2021
The Optimum Performance Training (OPT) model is a proven training system for CPTs that can help any client reach any goal safely and effectively. It is a system based on human movement science and integrated training principles and validated in research ...
Jace Fuchs
September 2, 2021
Moving along in our discussion of the different phases of the Optimum Performance Training (OPT) model, next, we have Phase 3 Muscular Development Training. Phase 3 is the second phase of the Strength Level of the OPT model. As a quick reminder, the OPT ...
Jace Fuchs
August 31, 2021
Continuing our discussion of the different phases of training from the Optimum Performance Training (OPT) Model, next, we will be covering Phase 2 of the OPT Model titled Strength Endurance Training. This phase acts as a bridge between our focus on ...
CPT spotlight exercise science

As explained in the NASM-CPT 7 course, there are several types of muscle actions which are utilized to produce human movement; however, when most people think of exercise, they likely picture isotonic muscle actions. Isotonic muscle actions move a muscle ...

If you’ve worked out with a personal trainer or in a group fitness class, you may have heard the term ‘pelvic tilt’. A fitness professional may have even told you that you have a pelvic tilt, but what does that mean?