Fitness HIIT Sports Performance Training Benefits
Brian Oddi, Ph.D., CPT, NASM-PES, NASE-CSS
April 20, 2017
There are many individuals who are striving to stay healthy and fit, however, they lack time to dedicate to a fitness program due to the busy demands of family, work, and pleasure.
CPT Fitness Sports Performance wellness

Stress is one of the major contributing factors to over 60% of all human illness and disease1. So it’s not surprising that stress is also preventing your personal training clients from achieving the results that they are working so hard for.
CPT Fitness Sports Performance

How are those goals coming along? Setting a goal is about making changes, looking at what is -- in the here and now -- and what we want it to be. Creating and committing to the path to get there is what makes for the challenge. Regularly evaluating ...
CPT Sports Performance stretching
Mike Bracko
February 23, 2017
Stretching and flexibility training have undergone dramatic changes in the fitness and sports training realm. Over the last ten to fifteen years more research has been published and subsequently applied to fitness and conditioning programs.
CPT Fitness Sports Performance

For fitness professionals who work with athletes, understanding the specific developmental needs of a given athlete is crucial to enhancing their overall athletic capabilities. One of the major components for improving this is the development of speed, ...
CPT Fitness Sports Performance OPT Model
Sean Cristea
December 24, 2016
A powerful vertical jump is often considered the epitome of athleticism. Many sports, such as basketball, volleyball, and some track and field events, require the athlete to perform at high levels in this movement [1]. However, many athletes find ...
Fitness Sports Performance Nutrition
Emily Bailey
December 24, 2016
You may be familiar with sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium and calcium regarding needs for hydration, but these nutrients are also related to many other physiologic processes in the body. Nutrients—including micronutrients, major nutrients and trace ...

As fitness professionals and sports enthusiasts, we know how devastating an ACL injury can be for an athlete, both professional and recreational. Discover how the NASM Corrective Exercise Continuum can be used to help prevent this potentially career ...
CPT Fitness Senior Fitness Sports Performance

Falling can be a serious and life changing event, especially for older adults. There are some simple interventions that can help reduce the risk of falling, and exercise is one of them.

Dr. Craig Couillard, D.C., CMT, CCSP®, ICCSP, CSCS, CES and PES has a string of titles behind his name so impressive, it’s attracted the notice of world-class athletes. In addition to owning the Lake Marion Chiropractic Center in Minnesota, Couillard ...