CES Fitness Sports Performance
Michael Yaremko
March 9, 2018
Minimize Injury Potential – Maximize Performance! When someone says that you have potential, they are really saying, “You could be great, but you aren’t right now.” Athletes typically don’t ever want to hear these words, especially goalies, but it is an ...
Michael Yaremko
February 16, 2018
Avoiding non-contact injuries with corrective exercise can help keep your hockey team on the ice and in the game.

The Nordic combined, a combination of cross-country skiing and jumping was one of the original five sports at the first-ever Winter Olympics held in France in 1924. To this day, endurance sports like the biathlon, cross country skiing and the Nordic ...

Figure skaters are grace and skill on ice. These athletes’ determination, athleticism, and work ethic cannot be overstated, as the sport of competitive figure skating is both physically and mentally demanding. It is through undeniable grit, dedication, ...

Hockey is arguably the quintessential competitive sport of the cold weather season. Here we'll discuss the unique demands of ice hockey and how sports performance professionals can safely and effectively implement conditioning programs to maximize an ...

If you are a strength and conditioning coach, every client can benefit from improved agility and quickness, whether they are a grandmother chasing after her young grandchildren, an obstacle-course enthusiast, or an aspiring triathlete. “SAQ develops ...
Sports Performance Workout Plans
Tony Ambler-Wright
January 5, 2018
January and February are good times to check in with clients and find out if they identify more with Mr. Heat Miser or Mr. Snow Miser. Those who “never want to know a day that’s over 40 degrees” may be spending their spare time conquering moguls, slicing ...
CPT Fitness Sports Performance

The NASM Performance Enhancement Specialization (NASM-PES) was developed to teach fitness professionals how to elevate an athlete’s training to achieve noticeable results while also decreasing the chance for injury. When working with athletes, the most ...
CPT Research Study Sports Performance stretching Joint Health

Does using self-myofascial release (SMR), static stretching, or a combination of both, improve range of motion (ROM) for overhead athletes? See what the results were for these softball players.
Chris Ecklund, MA, NASM-PES, CSCS, USAW, TPI
December 18, 2017
A high school athlete walks through our doors and we can see their strength, stability and biomechanical control deficits from their gait pattern.