CPT Cardio

The Right Way to Breathe During Exercise

Laura Quaglio
Laura Quaglio |
How The Lungs Work If you are studying for your test, brushing up for your clients, or just plain curious, here's some key information on breathing to consider.
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Typical Day in the Life of an NASM Personal Trainer

Pete McCall
Pete McCall |
The life of a personal trainer can look glamorous. You are wearing athletic clothing all day, making ultra-fit people sweaty, posting cool looking videos on social media, and generally having a positive impact on society by making the world a healthier ...
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Breaking Down The Importance of Strength-Endurance Training

Ken Miller
Ken Miller |
Strength endurance training is one of the most underused formats of conditioning and one that can achieve multiple goals at the same time. After all, it's a huge component of the online NASM personal training course. Want to get the heart rate up and ...
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CPT Research Study American Fitness Magazine

How to Understand a Fitness Research Paper

Jennifer Klau
Jennifer Klau |
Published research can sound as though it’s written in a different language. If you can’t understand the title of a paper, you may think it won’t get any better if you read on. As a result, many people never read beyond the abstract, which summarizes the ...
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CPT Assessments

The Comprehensive Guide to Correctly Coaching Exercises

Justin Kompf
Justin Kompf |
One of the requirements for a coach to be “good” is their ability to relay information to a client so that they can correctly and comfortably execute strength training movements. The inability to do this contributes to incorrect form, which in turn ...
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CPT NASM OPT Model Muscles

Stabilization Endurance: NASM's Optimum Performance Training

Stacey Penney
Stacey Penney |
New clients, or even those that you’ve been working with for some time, can all benefit from focusing some of their training on stabilization work. Without a strong structural base to move from, how can we continue to build upon our foundation or safely ...
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Heart of the Matter: Fit or Not

Nino Magaddino |
Fit or not, pay attention to the warning signs your heart is giving you. Your life depends on it. Even as "fit" fitness professionals, we are not immune to heart disease. Here's how this NASM Master Trainer found out.
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Methods for Training Athletes: Build on Strengths & Bring Up Weaknesses

Sam Arnold
Sam Arnold |
WHY SHOULD ATHLETES TRUST THEIR PERSONAL TRAINER? Working with an athlete to achieve on-field success can be one of the most intimidating and complicated tasks for a young trainer to master. There are so many training methods available that “analysis ...
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How Becoming a Part-Time Personal Trainer Can Give You A Fresh Start

Angie Miller, MS
Angie Miller, MS |
Personal trainers are individuals who inspire, motivate, and guide others to achieve their fitness goals. It is a rewarding, highly-ranked career with immense job satisfaction (CNN Money, 2012).
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How to Get Your Training Clients in 'The Zone' and Engaged

Pete McCall
Pete McCall |
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