
Plant-Based Diets For Weight Loss (Are They More Effective?)

Brad Dieter
Brad Dieter |
As seen in our course on plant-based diets. And this dieting guide for vegetarian and vegan athletes. Check them out for even more information! Plant-based diets are dietary approaches that rely mostly or entirely on plant-based foods. These diets often ...
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What to Look for in a Multivitamin (Blog + Infographic)

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
As discussed in our nutritional supplement course - Making Sense of Supplements - sometimes navigating the vitamin aisle can be a little tricky. Even for the most seasoned of certified nutrition coaches, the endless barrage of advertisements and ...
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Nutrition NASM CPT Podcast

An Overview of Time-Restricted Feeding

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
In this episode, Host Rick Richey talks with Danny Lennon, who is an expert on time-restricted feeding and nutrition in general. This episode will delve into the specifics of "chrono-nutrition" as a discipline and how it can completely transform how ...
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Nutrition Behavior Change

Nutrition and Behavior Change: Strategies for Helping Clients

Christopher & Kara Mohr |
It has often been said that nutrition is 90% of the game and training just 10%. The truth is that fitness and nutrition are equally important for various reasons, and it's not just a 50/50 game because there are many other equally important habits or ...
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CPT NASM Nutrition

Abbey Griffith's NASM Testimonial - Conquering an Eating Disorder

Abbey Griffith
Abbey Griffith |
Abbey Griffith has an amazing story to tell, and we are overwhelmingly happy that she took the time to write this testimonial for us. We love the fact that Abbey could learn how to overcome her eating disorder and teach others the power of body ...
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5 Nutritious Meals for Healthy Cooking at Home

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
Even though your at-home life might seem a little bland right now, you can still count on some healthy, flavorful meals to provide a little spice. Alongside proper meal prep practices, these can be a game changer. Using the content derived from our free ...
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Do Carbohydrates Control Body Fat?

Brad Dieter
Brad Dieter |
There has been a rise in the popularity of low-carbohydrate diets over the last decade, and they became one of the most popular diets of the previous five years. The increase in popularity was due to the idea that carbohydrates control your body fat, ...
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3 Ways to Ensure You Have a Healthy Diet While Staying at Home

Brad Dieter
Brad Dieter |
Most of us are creatures of habit when it comes to our diets. We buy the same groceries each week, we eat at the same restaurants, and we order the same coffee every day. However, every once and a while, our routines get disrupted, and we are forced to ...
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Top 4 Nutritional Supplements That Work

Brad Dieter
Brad Dieter |
The Supplement Industry Supplements are big business. The global nutritional supplement market was valued at 132.8 billion US dollars in 2016, and it has been projected to reach almost 300 billion US dollars by 2024. Let's compare this to the ...
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Nutrition American Fitness Magazine

Hydration: The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Jennifer Klau
Jennifer Klau |
Originally published in the spring 2019 issue of the American Fitness Magazine. News flash! There’s a substance, available right now, that improves mood and cognition, reduces the risk of high blood pressure and high blood glucose, and possibly helps ...
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