In case you missed it, in part 2 of this series, we discussed how to get better at push-ups once you have already nailed form down.
Tony Ambler-Wright
November 15, 2021
If you were able to try out the standard push-up stated in our first article of this series and found it to be more challenging than what you've been doing, this is excellent news! Most often, when the push-up is done correctly, we find it to be more ...

There are many reasons one might want to lose weight quickly, including (but not limited to): upcoming surgery, doctor’s recommendation, or even for an upcoming event or vacation. As a personal trainer, I’ve been asked some variation of the following ...

Avocados are not just for Millennials. Avocados, much like coffee, are one of the most exported goods across Central America, and there's a reason for it.

As health and wellness professionals, we are always looking at tools we can use with our clients to help them develop and gain personal insights that can propel them into taking future actions.

All roads lead to Rome. This saying refers to the world thousands of years ago when most of the roads that were built eventually led to Rome. In today’s parlance, it means that there are many ways to achieve the same outcome.

You may have heard that abs are built in the kitchen. While this is partially true, it's not the full story. While a healthy dose of body fat is a sign of overall health and wellness, body fat ought to be evenly distributed (and not just in certain areas ...

Have you ever wondered how elite trainers leverage periodization and programming to maximize results?

Six years ago, I had an incredible experience. I had the opportunity to visit one of the largest banana plantations in the world: The Dole Plantation in Costa Rica. I visited during the peak heat of the summer.

Motivation is one of those “squishy” ideas. We intuitively know what we are talking about when we speak about motivation, but it can be very difficult to define and put concrete ideas around it.