Different foam rolling techniques: Why the fuss? It seems as though the best way to foam roll is in the name—roll. Rolling back and forth does have some merit and support from the scientific community. In a recently published review of foam rolling,
David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA
May 27, 2017
We can all relate to our mothers telling us to “sit up” and “don’t slouch” when we were kids but never really took it to heart. Now research is indicating that mom actually did know best about posture.

See how foam rolling plus a dynamic warm-up affected performance testing results in college athletes.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is on the rise. Reliable statistics on the total population don’t exist, but estimates suggest that the figure has increased over the past decade to include about 1.5 million Americans. If you’re considering working with ...

As fitness professionals and sports enthusiasts, we know how devastating an ACL injury can be for an athlete, both professional and recreational. Discover how the NASM Corrective Exercise Continuum can be used to help prevent this potentially career ...

As a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), it’s important to realize that just about every client you work with could be susceptible to common injuries and ailments, ranging from low-back pain to ACL tears to shoulder pain.

Physical movement can be life transforming. Just ask Camden Crane, an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist. After the 31-year-old Altadena, California resident had gotten her psychology degree from UCLA, she joined Change ...

Dr. Craig Couillard, D.C., CMT, CCSP®, ICCSP, CSCS, CES and PES has a string of titles behind his name so impressive, it’s attracted the notice of world-class athletes. In addition to owning the Lake Marion Chiropractic Center in Minnesota, Couillard ...
CES Workout Plans Joint Health
David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA
August 23, 2016
Assessing this full body movement provides a foundation for designing a client’s exercise program. See how to use the results of a squat assessment to incorporate corrective exercise strategies and potentially lower injury risks.
CES CPT Workout Plans Joint Health
David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA
July 20, 2016
The ability to perform a squat, goblet squat, partial squat, you name it, is an essential primal movement in life we must all be able to do, whether you are 8 or 80 years old. When we think of a squat, most of us associate the move with weight training ...