When performing client assessments, do you ask if they are right or left handed? Handedness is not usually a standard question on assessment forms, but maybe it should be added. Handedness can have a definite impact on posture and the risk for developing ...

The action of breathing is commonly taken for granted; however, dysfunctional breathing can lead to, or be the result of, dysfunction of the kinetic chain. This article will review the difference between proper and dysfunctional breathing, how ...

Dysfunction at the foot and ankle complex can lead to a variety of musculoskeletal issues in other regions of the kinetic chain that can eventually lead to injury. In this article, we’ll review the common postural distortion pattern, Pronation Distortion ...

By: Scott Lucett, MS, NASM-CPT, PES, CES We’ve all seen the research about the negative impact sitting for extended periods of time has on our health. But most of us have to sit, at least for a portion of our day. Read on to learn ways to address the ...

By: Joshua J Stone, MA, ATC, NASM-CPT, CES, PES Injuries in golf occur as they do during participation in any athletic orientated activity. Research indicates injuries in golf relate to functions of age, skill level, and frequency of play. According to ...