Weight Loss Nutrition

How Many Carbs Should You Eat a Day to Lose Weight?

Brad Dieter
Brad Dieter |
Low carbohydrate diets have become a very popular tool for weight loss over the last several decades. While much of the scientific rationale behind why they are utilized for weight loss, such as the carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis, have largely been ...
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6 Tips for Avoiding and Responding to Food Cravings

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
“Why do I have no self-control with unhealthy foods?” is a common question a person might ask themselves after he or she makes the impulsive choice to eat junk food. This is especially true if there is an established goal related to eating healthier, ...
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Weight Loss Nutrition

To Cheat Meal or Not to Cheat Meal: The Great Dieting Question

Nicole Golden
Nicole Golden |
One of the most common questions I am asked as a nutrition specialist is my feelings on cheat meals and whether I encourage clients to take them. Cheat meals are, by definition, a meal that does not follow the prescribed nutrition plan.
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Breaking Down The Whole30 Diet: What Can You Eat?

Brad Dieter
Brad Dieter |
New diets are always coming to market. Some of them are brand new while others are simply recycled versions of old diets. Over the past decade one of these diets, the Whole30 Diet, has emerged as a very popular tool for people to use for weight loss and ...
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Refeeding 101: Should We Periodize Energy Restriction?

Nicole Golden
Nicole Golden |
Dieting, or rather, caloric restriction is a practice used by the general population to achieve weight (hopefully fat loss) and many types of athletes including but certainly not limited to professional bodybuilders (i.e., physique athletes).
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Nutrition American Fitness Magazine

What is a Nutrition Coach and Why Are They Important?

Andrea Cirignano |
Maria wants to lose weight. The 46-year-old mother of two never lost the “baby weight” she gained after having her second child 5 years ago, and the extra 40 pounds is compounding other challenges in her life.
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The 8 Best Supplements for Muscle Growth You Should Try Right Now

Jacqueline Kaminski
Jacqueline Kaminski |
If you go to the gym regularly, you want every workout to count right? You don’t spend all that time exercising to just waste your time and energy! So, to get the most out of your workouts and maximize your muscle growth, we’ve compiled a list of 8 ...
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Weight Loss Nutrition

The Science of Energy Balance: How it Factors Into Metabolism

Brad Dieter
Brad Dieter |
Energy balance is one of the most fundamental concepts in the context of health & fitness as it plays a central role in human health and human performance. It is a concept that applies to almost every aspect of health & fitness coaching: from ...
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What to Eat Before a Workout: Preworkout Nutrition Tips

Jacqueline Kaminski
Jacqueline Kaminski |
When you're on the way to the gym, what's the best snack to grab? A granola bar? An apple? What about a sandwich? So many possibilities to choose from, but what's the best option? Well, much of that will largely depend on the type of workout you are ...
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Weight Loss Nutrition

How to Count Macros The Easy Way to Reach Your Nutrition Goals

Jacqueline Kaminski
Jacqueline Kaminski |
If you’re an avid gym user, friends with a bodybuilder, or sat in on a novice nutrition course I’m sure you’ve heard of the term “macros” or “counting macros.” But what is the significance? Do you need to count macros to be healthy? Have no fear, all ...
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