
Food Fight: Nutrition for Professional Fighters

Jacqueline Kaminski
Jacqueline Kaminski |
First things first: food gives you energy. Without energy, you can't perform. As in any sport, food powers your workouts and helps you recover afterward. Without proper nourishment, you will fail to improve any aspect of your training regimen.
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Sweet Potato Nutrition Facts: Glycemic Index, Calories, and More

Stacey Penney
Stacey Penney |
The mere mention of sweet potatoes brings memories of a Thanksgiving table to mind. These nutritional tuberous all-stars have found their way onto everyday menus and, in some cases, have even bumped the traditional white potato out of our kitchens. What ...
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Weight Loss Nutrition

Body Types: Mesomorph, Ectomorphs, & Endomorphs Explained

Andrew Payne
Andrew Payne |
Do you have trouble losing body fat, yet seem to gain it after even the smallest slip up with your diet? Or does it feel like you can eat for days without gaining an ounce? It could have something to do with your current body type. But is it really that ...
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10 Foods That Are High in Healthy Unsaturated Fats

Jacqueline Kaminski
Jacqueline Kaminski |
As times change, so do new ways of thinking. With that, many new philosophies surrounding food and diet culture emerge. One of those beliefs use to be that a high-fat diet was the cause of many diet-related diseases such as heart disease. However, fats ...
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Intuitive Eating Explained: 10 Principles for Building a Better Relationship With Food

Jacqueline Kaminski
Jacqueline Kaminski |
Listen to your body. Understand real hunger pains. Eat when you're hungry, stop when you are full.
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Weight Loss Nutrition

10 Nutrition Myths You Would Do Best to Ignore

Jacqueline Kaminski
Jacqueline Kaminski |
It's easy to become a victim to misinformation on the internet when thousands of hits populate every time you type a question into google. Unfortunately, when it comes to nutrition everyone thinks they are an expert — especially if they have personally ...
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Nutrition Advice

The Best Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians

Dr. Allison Brager
Dr. Allison Brager |
Veganism has been a tremendously growing movement in recent years. Best-selling books & plant-based protein start-up companies, products, and nutrition courses have fueled its growth. Every kind of nutritional plan has its benefits and costs. Today, ...
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How To Clean Bulk - Bulking Up the Healthy Way

Brad Dieter
Brad Dieter |
Bulking is a concept that has been around for several decades and is often used in the context of "cutting and bulking." Bulking refers to the strategy of intentionally consuming enough calories to be in a surplus to add muscle mass. Bulking usually ...
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Weight Loss Nutrition

15 Foods High in Iron: Get Your Daily Values Effectively

Jacqueline Kaminski
Jacqueline Kaminski |
Iron is a mineral you often hear professionals advocating to get more of to avoid the risk of deficiency. But why? Why is this mineral so important and why should you make sure you’re getting adequate amounts in your diet?
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Avocado Nutrition Facts & Benefits: 5 Reasons to Eat The Fruit!

Dr. Allison Brager
Dr. Allison Brager |
Avocados are not just for Millennials. Avocados, much like coffee, are one of the most exported goods across Central America, and there's a reason for it.
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