It is important to change up our personal fitness program when we experience a plateau.. Similarly, it is essential to adjust our fitness program when we notice boredom or disinterest in our exercise program. Lastly, if we no longer feel challenged or ...
Many of us are familiar with this routine: the alarm goes off, and we hop out of bed only to realize that we feel the remnants of the workout from the day before. This is especially true for those of us who enjoy challenging exercises even though we may ...

Originally appeared in the spring 2018 issue of the American Fitness Magazine. Many personal trainers and strength coaches have spent years—and hundreds, if not thousands, of hours—working with certain members of their clientele. For this fitness ...
Congratulations! You passed your online exam and have earned your personal trainer certification. Now comes the time when it's necessary to decide where you will work and how you will start your personal training business. This blog will provide nine ...

One of the big things that separate high-performance athletes from the rest of us is their ability to cope with the anxieties of competition on a regular basis. But the secret to their success isn't a secret!
Originally appeared in the spring 2019 issue of the American Fitness Magazine. We may think of inflammation as the localized swelling that happens to a twisted ankle or to skeletal muscles after an intense workout. However, there’s another type of ...

Originally appeared in the winter 2015 issue of the American Fitness Magazine. Have you been hearing stories that fats are better than carbs as fuel for endurance athletes? Maybe you have wondered if scientific research supports those stories. To find ...
CPT Advice Personal Trainer Marketing

Too many fitness professionals and business owners end up going down a rabbit hole when putting together a website. They waste a lot of time doing unnecessary things. Worse, they often don't take many actions that are required. Should certified personal ...

Most of us are creatures of habit when it comes to our diets. We buy the same groceries each week, we eat at the same restaurants, and we order the same coffee every day. However, every once and a while, our routines get disrupted, and we are forced to ...

With the state of our world and industry in flux with the effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, the NASM-CPT Podcast and host Rick Richey wanted to help in the way we know how - by talking about it and offering advice.