
Seated vs. Prone Leg Curl: Which Muscles Are Activated?

Brandon Mentore |
To truly get the most out of your workouts, you must know which muscles are worked and activated when you use certain machines. For the Seated Leg Curl and Prone Leg Curl, there are differences in hamstring muscle recruitment.
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CPT NASM OPT Model Muscles

Stabilization Endurance: NASM's Optimum Performance Training

Stacey Penney
Stacey Penney |
New clients, or even those that you’ve been working with for some time, can all benefit from focusing some of their training on stabilization work. Without a strong structural base to move from, how can we continue to build upon our foundation or safely ...
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CPT NASM CPT Podcast Muscles

Overactive and Underactive Muscles Part 3: Arms Fall Forward - Elevation - Forward Head

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
The finale in this series of short/tight/overactive muscles and lengthened overactive muscles based on the overhead squat assessment! Since the release of our first episode in this series, we have had excellent feedback, including several teachers ...
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CPT Fitness NASM CPT Podcast Muscles

Overactive and Underactive Muscles Part 2: Excessive Forward Lean and Low Back Arch

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
You asked for it – you got it! This is part two of three episodes (listen to part one here) where the topic of over- and underactive muscles will be discussed. This episode will cover two common movement compensations in the overhead squat assessment:
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Sports Performance Muscles

Fast-Twitch Vs. Slow-Twitch Muscle Fiber Types + Training Tips

Nicole Golden
Nicole Golden |
We train to help our bodies perform tasks better, whether that’s going up stairs, running a marathon, or hitting a maximum deadlift at a powerlifting meet. Whatever your goal is, understanding how muscles work and how to train them can help you design a ...
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CES Muscles

Addressing Overactive Hip Flexors with Corrective Exercise

Andrew Mills
Andrew Mills |
For many Corrective Exercise Professionals, working with individuals with tight/overactive hip flexors is a common occurrence. Learning to properly assess and address overactive hip flexors is a powerful skill in helping today’s client move more ...
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CES stretching Muscles

The Piriformis: Is it really tight? Really?

Kyle Stull
Kyle Stull |
Most clients, and exercise experts alike, use the term “tight” to indicate that a muscle or other form of contractile tissue is shorter than it should be. After being in the fitness industry for more than 15 years, I've heard the phrase “my piriformis is ...
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Group Fitness Workout Plans Muscles

7 Ways to Effectively Build Stronger, Larger Glutes!

Aubrey Worek |
Check out Aubrey Worek’s top exercises to build what she calls a million dollar backside!
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CES stretching Hypertrophy Muscles

Piriformis Stretches to Relieve Piriformis Syndrome

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
Discomfort from too much sitting? Inactive glutes? Buttock and leg pain? Though small in size, the piriformis could have a big impact on keeping the human movement system moving smoothly. Addressing an overactive piriformis may be part of the solution.
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CES stretching Muscles

Overactive Versus Underactive Muscles: What Does It All Mean?

Kyle Stull
Kyle Stull |
“Do you suffer from muscle imbalances?” “Is your back pain due to a muscle imbalance?” “Prevent ACL injuries by reducing your muscle imbalances!” What does all this mean? Are muscle imbalances just a marketing craze extending beyond the fitness industry ...
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