CES Fitness Sports Performance stretching Training Benefits

5 Yoga Hip Stretches for Increasing Flexibility

Laurel van den Cline |
Most of us sit...a lot. We sit when we drive to work, we sit at a desk, we sit at home. Even cycling, or at the gym with certain ab and weight training exercises, our hips are flexed and can become tight. It doesn't matter whether the movement is when ...
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CPT Fitness Group Fitness Training Benefits

Leveraging Digital Health In Group Training

Josh Trent |
With a surge of new fitness apps, wearable devices, and wellness technologies, trainers are beginning to enter the next level of smart coaching with the potential to garner more money from clients that are getting better results.
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Pump Up Your Heart Smarts

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
Increase your heart smarts with info on how exercise impacts your heart, how to measure fitness via heart rate, and top cardio concerns for NASM-CPTs.
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CPT Fitness Training Benefits Weight Loss Nutrition

Fit versus Fat – Which Rules Your Health?

Fabio Comana
Fabio Comana |
Can a person be fit, yet also be fat? For most of us, a fair assumption would be to believe (at least initially) that the answer is ‘no’, but when you examine the research on this relationship, and the subsequent effects on mortality rates, there is no ...
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CPT Fitness Sports Performance Weight Loss

Wellness Technology For The Fitness Professional

Josh Trent |
In the new era of fitness technology, 2016 offers fitness professionals advanced tools to coach and motivate their clients like never before. With new health applications ( like NASM EDGE) promising to help inspire users towards better nutrition, taking ...
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CES Fitness Joint Health

Preventing shoulder and rotator cuff injuries through corrective exercise programming (Part 2)

David Cruz, DC, CSCS, FMS, SFMA |
Shoulder pain and shoulder injuries related to the rotator cuff are common issues within the general population and among athletes. This article will provide you with background knowledge and practical suggestions on how to prevent or improve conditions ...
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Fitness Nutrition

Simple Nutritional Strategies – Part 2

Fabio Comana
Fabio Comana |
In this second mindful eating article, we reveal several simple ideas that can make big differences with weight loss without having to consciously feel deprived of everything you enjoy.
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Fitness Holidays Workout Plans

10 x 10 Thanksgiving Day Circuit

Stacey Penney
Stacey Penney |
Partner up and have some Thanksgiving Day fitness fun with family and friends. These ten activities can be done by just about everyone.
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CPT Fitness Training Benefits

Diabetes – Safe and Effective Exercise Programming

Fabio Comana
Fabio Comana |
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that impairs the body’s ability to either produce or effectively use insulin, a key hormone for moving glucose from the bloodstream to the working muscles. Diabetes is currently ranked as the seventh leading cause of ...
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Fitness Weight Loss Nutrition

Apple Health Benefits: Bite Into an Apple

Stacey Penney
Stacey Penney |
One of the most popular items to add to a lunch box, find out what the latest research is suggesting regarding the health and performance benefits of apples. From increased muscle size to decreased obesity, apples bring more than just flavor to the fall.
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