
5 Fitness Myths-Busted!

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
Are your clients held back by their belief in fitness fictions? Here, Brent Brookbush, DPT, PT, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, CSCS, ACSM-H/FS, NASM Master Instructor, and author of Fitness or Fiction: The Truth About Diet and Exercise, gets to the bottom of ...
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Fitness Sports Performance Nutrition

Heat: Signs, Symptoms, and Strategies for Training in the Heat

Stacey Penney
Stacey Penney |
Keeping athletes and clients performing at their peak while also avoiding heat-related illnesses takes preparation and planning. Bodies need time to adapt to the increased physiological demands of training in warm environments. But even with preparation ...
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Fitness Sports Performance

Determining the Best Rest Periods Between Sets During Training

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
By: Brian Sutton, MS, MA, NASM-CPT, CES, PES Assigning appropriate rest periods are essential for your clients to perform optimally during their exercise program and minimize injury risk. Unfortunately, rest periods between sets are not a simple black ...
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Fitness Sports Performance Nutrition

Nutrition and the Endurance Athlete - Eating for Peak Performance

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
By Dominique Adair, MS, RD Nutritional needs of the endurance athlete are aggressively studied and the days of the pre-marathon pasta dinner have been enhanced by a sophisticated understanding of how nutrients can improve long-duration performance. To ...
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CPT Fitness Recovery

Sleep and Exercise Connections

Stacey Penney
Stacey Penney |
There are so many connections between sleep and exercise! Performance is intricately tied with our circadian rhythms in many ways. Whether you are getting enough, the position you choose, or even what you eat before you get your z’s can impact exercise ...
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Fitness Holidays Weight Loss Nutrition

Simple Nutritional Strategies – Part 1

Fabio Comana
Fabio Comana |
We all know the holidays are a time where we find it hard to resist the temptations of over-indulging, often leading to feelings of guilt, anger and disappointment if we lose the battle of the bulge. So what do many of us do?
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Training in Cold Environments: 5 Tips for Surving Freezing Temps

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
By Sam Hutchison CES, CPT, NASM-CPT The seasons have changed, and for some of us it means below freezing temperatures and snow on the ground—not the most ideal conditions for exercising and physical activity. Fortunately, you don’t have to limit yourself ...
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Fitness wellness

Holiday Relaxation Tips for a Less Stressful Holiday Season

Brian Sutton, MA, MS, CSCS, NASM-CPT, CNC, CES, PES |
The holiday season is supposed to be a time for joy, peace, love and caring for one another. However, stress is often times a big component as people flock to the mall to find the perfect gift, agonize over cooking a perfect holiday meal and worry about ...
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Physiological Consequences of Extreme Aerobic Activity

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
By Brian Sutton MS, MA, PES, CES, NASM-CPT Most people are concerned with not getting enough exercise. But for some individuals the opposite may hold true. Some individuals exercise to extremes and may inadvertently be damaging their body. The old ...
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Fitness Workout Plans

Stability Training For Bodybuilders: Phase 1

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
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