Originally published in the Winter 2020 issue of American Fitness Magazine.

Each month, we’ll shine the spotlight on a different NASM Certified Personal Trainer who’s making a difference in their community. For December, we spoke with Shane Lee, a race car driver who was recently certified as an NASM personal trainer. Here’s ...

In this episode, Rick Richey doesn’t just focus on one topic but covers several questions that listeners have submitted over the past few months. Here are a few questions that get addressed during this episode:

The foam rolling market has exploded with rollers that have different shapes, densities, textures, and designs. Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release technique that is commonly used by Corrective Exercise Specialists. It wasn’t until just recently ...
Nutrition American Fitness Magazine

Originally published in the Winter 2020 issue of American Fitness Magazine. “Without objective information to work from, coaching a client to better health and wellness is like throwing darts blindfolded and hoping one will eventually hit a bull’s-eye,” ...

Corrective Exercises are all about helping people move and feel better whether it’s while working out or just living their everyday life. In order to accomplish this, it requires a true and in-depth understanding of four phases that comprise the ...