wellness spotlight

6 Practical Steps to Manifesting

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
In the plethora of information available on the internet, finding concrete and user-friendly information on how to make a life change or successfully work towards a new goal can be overwhelming. The good news is that working towards your intentions does ...
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wellness Behavior Change

Understanding and Using the Enneagram Test as a Coaching Tool

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
As health and wellness professionals, we are always looking at tools we can use with our clients to help them develop and gain personal insights that can propel them into taking future actions.
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Exercise as Stress Management: How Workouts Help Your Wellbeing

Dr. Allison Brager
Dr. Allison Brager |
Exercise should not be stressful. I repeat exercise should not be stressful. Exercise should alleviate stress.
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Gym Anxiety Tips: How You Can Overcome ‘Gymtimidation’ and Start Working Out

Kinsey Mahaffey
Kinsey Mahaffey |
Just thinking about going to the gym might make your heart race and sweat glands activate, but not in anticipation of the heart-pumping workout ahead of you. Instead, it may be feelings of stress and anxiety holding you back from going all-in with a ...
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Learning to Accept and Let Go

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
Feelings of stress can manifest in different ways for different people. In some cases, internal tension emerges because situations in our lives do not match our internal expectations, or because things do not go as per our plan.
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Training Benefits wellness

Exercise and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Portia Page
Portia Page |
Since mid-March, most of the country has been dealing with social distancing rules, stay-at-home orders, business closures, overcrowded hospitals and limited health services.
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7 Ways to Reduce Stress Through Mindfulness

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
As we navigate work and personal life, there will be moments when thoughts of an unknown situation and its related outcomes will weigh heavily on one's mind resulting in feelings of stress and rumination. This blog will talk about 7 ways you can ...
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Training Benefits wellness

5 Ways to Increase your Healthspan

Sam Arnold
Sam Arnold |
Throughout the pandemic, you have likely spent more time at home by yourself than you ever expected or wanted to. You almost certainly have needed a lift at one time or another. Given all the discussion of precautions, illness, and death, you may have ...
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Self-Care: 5 Tips for Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
Self-care is a word that keeps emerging in news articles and company-wide employee emails during the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the unprecedented stress many individuals face, some companies are re-establishing their Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ...
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Coping with Pressure, Anxiety and Adversity in Uncertain Times

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine |
One of the big things that separate high-performance athletes from the rest of us is their ability to cope with the anxieties of competition on a regular basis. But the secret to their success isn't a secret!
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