wellness Nutrition

The Connection Between Diet and Mental Health

Nicole Golden
Nicole Golden |
As coaches and fitness enthusiasts, we often think of nutrition as a variable to manipulate to achieve weight loss, strength gain, a specific body composition, or to enhance performance in sports and recreational activities. However, the thought of ...
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What to Look for in an Employee Wellness Program

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
When you think about employer-provided wellness programs what comes to mind? Many people think of tech companies in the 2010s with meditation rooms, napping pods, flexible workspaces, and kitchenettes full of snacks.
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It’s Always Sunny-Ish: A Deep Dive Into Toxic Positivity

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
There is a wide array of human emotions and experiences. Each of us inevitably feels a mixture of pleasant, challenging, positive, and difficult emotions, and feeling the range of reactions is natural and healthy.
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What is a Health and Wellness Coach and Why Are They Important?

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
Most people know what they “should” do to foster a life of wellness. Eat a balanced diet and avoid processed foods, get regular movement, prioritize sleep, reduce stress, and cultivate a positive outlook on life that includes purpose, meaning, and ...
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Importance of a Fitness Routine for Emotional Wellbeing

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
There is a multitude of reasons why individuals commit to a regular exercise routine. Engaging in a regular exercise routine is not only a tool used to improve the physical dimension of wellness but also its emotional one. Often the choice to engage in a ...
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Circadian Rhythms Explained from a Wellness & Fitness Perspective

Kinsey Mahaffey
Kinsey Mahaffey |
To maintain a healthy lifestyle, understanding our natural circadian rhythms can have a huge impact on how we plan our sleep schedule, work, and workout times for optimal functioning and peak performance.
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The Physical and Happiness-Boosting Benefits of Working Out

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
The benefits of exercise are extensive. Not only does regular exercise help our bodies physiologically, but it also provides an array of mental and emotional health benefits. Exercise is a resilience tool that can be leveraged to improve positive ...
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Ready and Able: How Military Training Has Helped Me Be Up to Any Task

Dr. Allison Brager
Dr. Allison Brager |
In the military, readiness is the number one priority, period. Readiness in a nutshell is being physically and mentally ready at a moment’s notice to fight and win our nation’s wars. Readiness is not only a lifestyle commitment but when not taken ...
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wellness spotlight

Learn How to Use The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) as a Coach

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
As a wellness coach, it can be helpful to consider incorporating tools into your coaching practice that can accentuate your work with a client. Overall, coaching tools can be helpful to add in if they bring value to the coaching experience and help a ...
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Weight Loss wellness

Preventing Stress-Related Weight Gain: 4 Strategies You Should Try!

Nicole Golden
Nicole Golden |
Many adults, especially those between the ages of 20 and 50, report high levels of psychological stress. Many of us are constantly over-scheduled, over committed, overworked, and fail to spend adequate time on self-care.
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