When clients want to change their body composition, such as losing fat or gaining lean mass, how will you determine if they are meeting their goals? You can use a weight loss calculator, BMI calculator, skinfold measurements, and more. There are many ...

By Dominique Adair, MS, RD The prevalence of adults with overweight or obesity represents an alarming public health challenge. Recent figures from the CDC show the majority of American society has become 'obesogenic,' characterized by environments that ...
Fitness Holidays Weight Loss Nutrition

We all know the holidays are a time where we find it hard to resist the temptations of over-indulging, often leading to feelings of guilt, anger and disappointment if we lose the battle of the bulge. So what do many of us do?

Do your nutrient clients eat mindlessly? From our underlying clean plate mentality, to dietary danger zones, to chicken wings, storage containers and taller glasses, help them discover strategies to incorporate mindful tactics to overcome barriers to ...