Fabio Comana

Fabio Comana, M.A., M.S., is a faculty instructor at San Diego State University, and University of California, San Diego and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and president of Genesis Wellness Group. Previously as an American Council on Exercise (ACE) exercise physiologist, he was the original creator of ACE’s IFT™ model and ACE’s live Personal Trainer educational workshops. Prior experiences include collegiate head coaching, university strength and conditioning coaching; and opening/managing clubs for Club One. An international presenter at multiple health and fitness events, he is also a spokesperson featured in multiple media outlets and an accomplished chapter and book author.
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Are you clicking with your clients? Effective communication is a two-way street, and most of us need a little practice and guidance when it comes to our professional interactions with clients-especially new clients as we dance that awkward ...
Fitness Sports Performance Nutrition Recovery

Looking for optimal exercise training results? What you do before and after could be just as important as the actual training itself. Discover where to focus pre-exercise efforts and what to consider for post-exercise recovery.

To this day, we still hear certain squat rules echoed over and over throughout gyms and health clubs by many fitness professionals that often sound contradictory. While some rules emerged through research, the origins of others may lie in folklore and ...
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Neuroplasticity was a relatively unknown term until the 1970s when scientists began accepting the notion that our brain is a not a physiologically static organ, becoming fixed shortly after birth with approximately 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) (1, ...

The average American consumes 3,436 mg of sodium each day, an amount far in excess of the tolerable upper level (UL*) intake recommended by most health organizations to prevent health concerns like hypertension, a disease attributed to nearly 400,000 ...

The madness is back again. A time of basketball fervor, crazy bracketology science and an array of wagers regarding who will make it to the dance and win it all. With many hopes and dreams riding on the shoulders of teams and individual players, ...
Fitness Holidays Weight Loss Nutrition

We all know the holidays are a time where we find it hard to resist the temptations of over-indulging, often leading to feelings of guilt, anger and disappointment if we lose the battle of the bulge. So what do many of us do?

Do your nutrient clients eat mindlessly? From our underlying clean plate mentality, to dietary danger zones, to chicken wings, storage containers and taller glasses, help them discover strategies to incorporate mindful tactics to overcome barriers to ...

It’s been said that in the first seven seconds of a customer or client meeting you, they’ll make 11 impressions about you. Make them positive impressions with our 10 quick tips to building positive rapport. A common error made by many health and fitness ...