CPT American Fitness Magazine OPT Model Recovery

Getting the most out of each workout requires more than just following a great training program. Consistent performance also requires an optimal balance between training and recovery. Mention the subject to most clients, though, and you’re likely to meet ...
CPT Fitness NASM CPT Podcast OPT Model

The OPT Model™, or Optimum Performance Training Model, is a fitness training system developed by NASM. The OPT Model is based on scientific evidence and principles that progresses an individual through five training phases: stabilization endurance, ...
CPT Fitness Sports Performance OPT Model
Sean Cristea
December 24, 2016
A powerful vertical jump is often considered the epitome of athleticism. Many sports, such as basketball, volleyball, and some track and field events, require the athlete to perform at high levels in this movement [1]. However, many athletes find ...