See what types of cues can help make exercise a lasting habit.

Can a single session of resistance training or cardio improve a client’s body image? And if so, for how long?
CPT Research Study Sports Performance

See how muscle activation differs (or doesn’t) between the partial and full back squat.
CPT Research Study Sports Performance warm-up

See how foam rolling was shown to improve blood flow to targeted muscles for an extended amount of time, and the implications for warm-up and cool down benefits.

See how research on foam rolling after an intense strength training session aided in reducing DOMS and improving exercise recovery.

By Brian Sutton MS, MA, NASM-CPT, CES, PES Have you ever wondered if dark chocolate is actually heart healthy? According to many news reports, dark chocolate appears to have many properties to help combat heart disease (1). Can this actually be true or ...
Research Study Women's Fitness

Altered hip mechanics (hip adduction, contralateral pelvic drop, internal rotation) are often associated with patellofemoral pain in female runners. This study evaluated basic gait retraining techniques using a full-length mirror in female runners with ...