
NASM All-Stars: Optima 2022 Roundtable

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine
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Never have all six of our incredible NASM Podcast Network hosts appeared on one show together. Until now. Join Wendy Batts, Angie Miller, Darlene Marshall, Marty Miller, Ken Miller, and Rick Richey for this unique, in-depth look into health and fitness, as well as a full preview of each hosts’ Optima 2022 virtual presentations. Get the best of all worlds and check out this one-of-kind presentation with all your favorite NASM hosts and personal trainers! Don’t forget, Optima 2022 takes place October 13-15. Get all the details here https://www.nasm.org/optima-2022. The most trusted name in fitness is now expanding into the wellness world. Become an NASM Certified Wellness Coach and you’ll be able to guide and motivate clients to make lasting changes through mental and emotional well-being, recovery, and more. https://bit.ly/3DVR9tF

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to this week's edition of The Master trucker Roundtable. I'm regional master instructor Marty Miller here as always with my dear friend and fellow regional master instructor Miss Wendy batts. Wendy. How's everything going today? Oh, it's great morning. How are you? Oh, I'm excited. I'm always excited when I get to do this with you.

But today, I think there's a little extra excitement in the air. I'm just saying, Yes, we are actually going to have all of our NASM podcast host joining us today. So we are super super excited. We're going to talk about our podcast, the optimist sessions and just get to know a little you know, a little bit about each other and, and what we have in store coming up for optimist. So super, super stoked. Yes. Excited. You know, we always love when we get together, you know, in person, but we'll I'll take this, this is the next best option.

So I'm excited. Yes. And you know what, Marnie, because we've got them in the background. I want to bring them on as soon as possible. I'm gonna first start out with one of our fellow master instructors, Miss Angie Miller. So Andy, welcome to the show. Hello. Hey, Wendy. And Marty, it's so good to see you both, if only virtually. Taken? Well, no, Andy, for all of our listeners, I know that you host one of our podcasts. So would you tell everyone what the name of your podcast is, what it's about, and when they can expect your new content to come out. All right, that's fantastic. So the name of my podcast is strong mind strong body. And it is a bridge of fitness, emotional health and mental health. So I'm a licensed clinical mental health counselor. I'm also an NASM master instructor.

And I like to bridge that gap between our emotions and our body. So my podcast comes out every Tuesday, we go live on YouTube. And then on Wednesday, our our wonderful producer, Eric pulls audio for all the streaming sites. So I hope that everybody here joins me. Ah, well, you know what they should Angie, and thank you so much for being here. And next, I would like to bring up Miss Darlene Marshall. She is brand new to Our Podcast Network. And Darlene, welcome to the show. Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I'm very excited to be on the show. I always kind of feel like I'm the Davey kid who got brought up to varsity whenever I'm on with the master instructors. And so thank you all so much for having me and making me feel so welcome to the newest show with NASM. It's fun.

Oh, well. Darlene, can you tell us you know the name of your your podcast? And when you also go live? Absolutely. My show is called better than fine. And, you know, it's a that overlapping space between fitness, wellness, and well being I'm certified with NASM as a wellness coach, and a personal trainer, got a variety of other backgrounds with a big one is a master's in positive psychology, which is the science of human wellbeing. And there's this idea in the positive psychology space that you want to what does it look like to live your life above zero? And I know for a lot of people they think about oh, you know, I love it just fine. Well, what if we raise that bar to better than fine. And so that's what the show is about.

We go up on YouTube on Wednesdays and our streaming shows go live on Thursdays. Thanks, Darlene. And glad to have you on board for sure. And next up, I would like to introduce our fellow regional master instructor, Mr. Ken Miller. So Ken, welcome to the show. Hey, guys, how's it going? Thanks for having me. Yes. Can you can tell us a little bit about your podcast? Or should I say our podcast and when they should join us?


Yeah. So when the I have the honor and pleasure of meeting with you every week to record random fit. So on our podcast, for random fit, we take a fitness lens, look at how fitness is all around us. It's just about how you take the perspective of movement and exercise. And as these two beautiful ladies are on here as well.

You know, we also look at things like wellness and you know, just things that you wouldn't think about like jetlag, and how does that affect your lifestyle and we have an opportunity to interview awesome guests as well in taking their vantage point on fitness and everyday life. Yes, and you guys need to join us. It's super fun and a little bit out there. So even if you're not techie in the in the PT world, it's definitely one you want to join.

I mean, you know, shameless plug, but you guys really should download this podcast. And then I would last but not least want to welcome Rick Ritchie to the podcast. Rick, thanks for being here. Hey, Wendy, what's going on family it's good to see everybody here. This is fun.

So Rick, can you tell everyone about your podcast and when you go live as well? Yeah. So I'm the host of the NASM CPT podcast.

And we go live on Tuesdays and Thursdays with the podcast, and we drop on Facebook and on YouTube, the days prior to it. So a Monday and Wednesday, we do the video. And then Tuesdays and Thursdays we do the audio. So the NASM CPT podcast is a podcast designed for CPTs. And we discuss things, a lot of things that aren't necessarily in the book. But my idea was, where do we take it once you are certified?

And we do a lot of things that help people who are studying for the test and trying to understand the material, but also what's next? And what's after that? And what does business look like? And how do you start your own business? And what are some concepts out there that haven't made it into the text that we can discuss, we try to get a pretty well rounded idea of what CPTs are going through and address some of those things to help everybody feel and function better and feel like they're upping their professional game.

Love it. And Marty Miller, why don't you tell us a little bit about the master instructor roundtable for those who are joining us for the first time and then a little bit about your coffee talk as well. When he I'd be more than happy to talk about the master instructor roundtable. We're here right now. So what Wendy and I do, this is a weekly podcast, we go on Thursdays at 3pm. And what we do is we try to pick a topic and then really kind of dive into that. So it could be something from one phase of the model, it could be a new trend in fitness, and is talking about it in case people really kind of maybe when they went through their material, understood the concept, but only could take it for what the text or the videos offer.

We want to take it to that next deeper level, and really show people how versatile the model is going from corrective exercise all the way through the performance enhancement specialist, every phase in the middle. And you know, take like I said that deeper dive and always bringing it back to the model. Even if we go outside and talk about new fitness trends. We'll talk about how they correlate back into the model.

And then on Tuesday mornings, around 9am East Coast time, I go live on smz Instagram and what I love about it, I'm just here, as you know, I love coffee. And it really originated at the first Optima where someone was asked me like Marty, what we need another session. What do you think I said, just put me in a room. Give me some coffee, give them off? And they're like, no, no, no, we like no people just want to come up and ask questions as it pertains to them at that time. So that's what I love about it. It's unscripted.

We go live we go through anything that comes up to people that day. And it's just a fun opportunity. Love it. And if you guys want to, you know, trick Marty, come up with some hard questions. Make them think a little bit that early in the morning. And on today's master instructor roundtable myself, when you Bad's is here with with Marty Miller. We are the hosts of this wonderful podcast, but we're joined by our fellow NASM hosts Darlene Marshall, Andy Miller, Rick Ritchie, Ken Miller, and we're literally going to talk everything Optima, 2022.

Now, so you know what I'm really, really excited about this year, every single year, I learn something new. And we have more incredible speakers and this fine panel of people also have some unbelievable sessions coming up.

So I'm going to start with you, darling, because you're new. This is your first Optima, we're super excited to have you on the agenda for some topics. So can you let us know what are you talking about? And when can we expect your sessions to go live on October? Absolutely, when they happy to talk about it. So I'm double dip in the chip on my very first time. Speaking of Optima, I'm doing two sessions.

Those are going to be on October 13. And the first one is starts with this question is wellness coaching in your future fitness career. So NASM biggest new offering in the last year has been certified wellness coach, which is a bit of a left turn from some of NASM previous offerings. It's even really different from the other coaching offerings out there. And so I'm going to be exploring in that session, when we use these labels, coaching and training fitness and wellness. Well, what's the difference?

And how might it fit into somebody who's already working as a fitness professional? What might it be look like to run a drill practice where you've got multiple offerings, and so it's not only for people who are thinking about wellness coaching specifically, but anybody who's got multiple certifications and you're trying to figure out how do you clarify your offer? What does that look like? And so I'm pretty excited to be talking about TWC certified wellness coach, and then the so that sessions on Thursday the 13th at 6:30am on


The West Coast, it's going to be 9:30am here on the East Coast. And then the second session is going to be that afternoon. And that session is titled triggering transformations, the science of positive psychology and fitness. So I said earlier, my intro that I've got a master's degree in positive psychology.

And, you know, it's fun to talk about human wellbeing. But sometimes it's not so obvious what these positive psychology tools will look like when we're applying them in the fitness and wellness space. So in that session, I'm going to be tying our tools as fitness professionals as trainers and group fitness instructors and wellness coaches, to how do we prime the pump for sustained, lasting positive change that results in a lifestyle transformation. So that's what I wrote my master's thesis on. I'm really passionate about it.

And I'm excited to share the science of positive prolong change at optima. So that session is October 13, it's at 115 in the afternoon on the West Coast, it'll be 415 here in upstate New York, when we're going live with that one. I love it. Well, it's super excited about your sessions. And again, thank you so much for being here. And then can I'm going to ask you, I know you have two sessions for Optima, this year, one of them is sponsored by hyper AI. So can you tell us a little bit about your sessions and what we can expect from you?


So as you mentioned, Wendy, I am presenting on behalf of hyper ice, and that topic is, or the title of the workshop is enhancing the client journey with hyper ice recovery. And that is going to be on October 14, at noon Pacific Standard Time.


And the idea behind that topic is that you know, us as fitness professionals, you know, as we come across our clients, existing or prospective clients, a lot of them are already coming in with, you know, having made the investments in recovery tools. And one of you know, one of the things that I'm coming across is it's they're using it either incorrectly or incompletely.

So whenever it comes to what a client's goal is, you know, sometimes they have the equipment on hand, not just dumbbells, or resistance bands. But sometimes they'll have something like a viper, you know, they'll have some percussion device, they'll have vibration, they'll have heat.


So, a lot of times, they don't go through the instruction manual, as I don't write, like, you know, putting together an Ikea piece of furniture, it's like, where's the screw go? Right? So when it comes to recovery, you know, they have the tools. And you know, it's just a matter of helping them use it properly in some cases. But also there's there are tools out there that can help accelerate people's results. So that's what I'm going to talk about is just helping people rediscover fitness and wellness and recovery with the tools that are available over the counter.


But the next, the next workshop that I also have is the power of a proper warm up. And that's going to air on October 13 at 1030. Pacific Standard Time. And, you know, as we've all discussed on our fitness base podcast is, you know, how do we get the body to move better? Well, I take the perspective of, okay, what can we do in the beginning of the workout to enhance the actual quote unquote, workout itself.

So movement preparation, you know, something that we might call a smart workout or a smart warm up to get get the most out of our training sessions. And that's what I'm going to talk about in that that second session. So I'm looking forward to it. I'm very humbled to be a part of it once again.

Yes. And we are excited to have you on the roster, for sure. And on today's master instructor roundtable myself, Wendy bats, and my co host, Marty Miller have the unbelievable honor to have the spine NASM podcast crew on the show. Today we're talking about our optimal 2022 sessions. So far, Darlene Marshall has talked about her too, and Ken Miller has talked about his and Next I'd like to ask Rick Ritchie, I see that you are on the docket for three my fine friends. So can you tell us a little bit about I know what we can expect from you.

But why don't you tell everyone else what we can look forward to talking about this year unicycles, there's juggling. There's a lot of things to try to keep attention but I have three topics I'm going to be talking about this time around. Thank you to Optima for having me and doing this. And I'm excited to be on the show and be able to talk about it. So the first one I'm going to talk about is type two diabetes and exercise. And for those of you who do not know about four years ago, I was diagnosed with type two diabetes and relatively healthy relatively fit relatively good diet. There's a lot


Other things, though, that, that are challenging for people with type two diabetes. So I'm going to discuss that I'm going to get into a little bit about the pathophysiology of what happens with diabetes and what goes on inside the body, so that we just understand it a little bit more, but then we're going to have a look at exercise and exercise is effects on helping to control and mitigate some of the damages that type two diabetes causes. So out of the diabetes, there are several forms of diabetes. But type two diabetes is somewhere between 90 and 95% of all cases. And so this is very specific to the broad swath of type two diabetes cases.

So I'm going to be talking about that. Also, I'm going to be talking about so this is an interesting, I'm going to go into another one. It's called the frightening facts behind sedentary behavior. And this one's really interesting, because I was going down a rabbit hole when studying and helping develop the type two diabetes type two diabetes fitness course. And as I was doing it, I came across all these crazy things about sedentary behaviors that I had no idea about. And it was shocking to me. And I think probably the number one thing that shocked me was


You can look at physical activity. And the thing is, you can be both physically active, like exercising, but also be highly sedentary. And, and I think that that's where a lot of us go wrong, we think, Okay, well, it's okay, I did my high intensity workout class for the day.

But if you're seated and reclining for the rest of the day, you still fall in line with sedentary behaviors. And so the increased time sitting raises the risk for things like metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease and other risk factors, even in people who exercise regularly. And so that is a topic I was just shocked me. And, and so I'm going into a little deep dive into some of the frightening facts, some of the frightening statistics behind sedentary behavior. And then my third one, and at the end, I'll wrap it up and just let everybody know, when those are being presented. But this one near and dear to the hearts of every person on this panel, which is program design.

So the title is program design, a good practice to get into. And I probably get more questions about designing programs than anything else. We're doing live workshops, people are concerned about program design, they they read the book, and they go, Okay, I read the book, I understand the OPC model, I just don't know how to put it together, I don't know how to do it myself. And so what we did in a pre record, I love doing this live, but in a pre record, it just kind of went through progressions of exercises.

And we picked several exercises and went through 12 progressions, and then we add all of those progressions together and we show exactly how you can make a progression. And all of those progressions exercise mounted on top of exercise on top of exercise, so that you actually see an entire workout that you can do over the course of 12 weeks. So if I think it's three workouts a week for, I'm sorry, for four weeks. So it's 1212 workouts that get written out designed, shown how you put it together in a way that you can hypothetically design a program and then get into other concepts between program design like linear periodization, undulating periodization, things like that, but all using the NASM Oh, PT model.

So here I have it pulled up and then I'm gonna stop talking on the exercise in type two diabetes that is going to be Friday, October 14, at 12 noon, Phoenix time. And then the frightening facts behind sedentary behaviors Saturday, October 15 1030 In the morning, Phoenix time and then design program design a good practice to get into Saturday, October 15 230 to 330. Phoenix time. So those are the programs. Those are the sessions I'll be doing for Optima this year. Love it.

Well, thanks, Rick. And, again, I'm sure there are going to be many that tune into your sessions. And I'm excited to learn a lot, especially about the diabetes. I mean, I know that's obviously very, you know, close to you. And so I'm sure that is going to be something that I'm going to learn a lot of information on for sure. So


I would like to actually ask Marty Miller Marty, I think you also have three if we include the coffee talk, so why don't you tell everybody a little bit about your sessions? Yes, I'm gonna go through them and there's actually a little surprise at the end and I've gotten


For now, they're keeping me highly engaged at Optima this year, but we're gonna start off with coffee talk, why wouldn't we, so this is going back to the original Optima, it's just, you know, I get the request all the time, people just want to come hang out, talk, and bring their questions as it matters to them in their everyday life on their fitness journey.

So, again, it'll be unscripted come on in at 630 to 730. Pacific Standard Time. And, you know, I always bring a couple topics, kind of like throw food, you know, kind of throw something out there for the group. But truly, we're going to shift to everybody's questions as quick as possible. And then you'll have my contact information afterwards.

Because we get going, there's always great engagement. And I always want to make sure we get everything answered. So I'll be sure that to provide my contact information. But then moving into one that actually goes back about eight years in my mind that I always wanted to put the time together, is I have a session on October 13 230 to 330 pacific time called Get a grip.

And I mean, get a grip, like actual grip strength. And the reason that this has been kind of near and dear to me is years ago, I studied, you know, kind of our primal movement patterns. And you know, everyone talks about, well, you pick up your head, you do a press up, and lo and behold, I came back from a conference and my boys were younger, my son grabs my hand squeezes my finger, and I'm like, Oh, my God, I think we missed one. I think everybody that has a little infant thinks that when the child squeezes your finger, it's because they're like,

Oh, that's my child. They love me. Nope, I'm sorry. And I think I have the record, I've got to publish research article, going back from 1891. I know that more recent research tends to be better. But you'll see why that I have this research article in there. And you can still find it online today. It talks they were doing research back in the 1890s on grip strength. And the question I have always had is, I'm sure all of you in fitness, we always knew grip strength was a key indicator to longevity. But when we reverse engineer it and find out it's one of the very first things we learn to do, from a survival standpoint, I think we now can kind of put it together.

So this was something that I really enjoyed spending time with. Hopefully, you'll get some enjoyment out of it as well. Then my third one is advanced applications of resistance. So this is a sponsored one from Technogym, you guys know that that's where I spend my full time hours. And we're always big on research. And what I realized is is we come up with new products that offer different resistance profiles, a lot of fitness professionals really maybe not in didn't understand where viscous would come in where elastic would come in.

And I wanted to go through the research and talk about where these resistance profiles fit as applicable to the OP T model. So because there are a lot of new trends out there, there's like the flywheels people are using vans people are going in and using viscous resistance. So I just want to make sure people knew the science behind it, as well as where to put it into place into the model. And then the final session again, sponsored by Technogym is advanced applications also of running biomechanics.

So many personal trainers nowadays have people running to burn calories and boot camps. And there's so many runners out there. And I really think personal trainers missed the opportunity to increase their clientele, with teaching and getting people to understand how to run properly. What's the proper cadence? What's the proper stride length? What's the proper ground contact time? And how do you improve these, so runners who love to run can run longer, and that longer could be distance or into their lifespan. And we'll blend in some corrective exercise strategies behind that as well. So I'm gonna be busy that week.

But I've enjoyed putting these together and I can't wait to interact with everybody. Yes, and if you've never joined one of Marty sessions, they are always entertaining. You learn something new each and every year even though you're like my second husband, you and Ken the two. Tony I spend most of my time with y'all than I do my own. So


Today's master instructor roundtable myself, Wendy batts and co host Marty Miller have this special honor of having our NASM podcast host joining us today talking a little bit about our podcast but also about our optimum 2022 sessions. And extremely honored to have Darlene Marshall joining us Rick Ricci, Angie Miller, Ken Miller, and then obviously Marty Miller too, but and then I wanted to say too, that I am presenting an optimum my session is live and so you guys get a chance to join us on October 15 At nine or I'm sorry, 830 Pacific Standard Time.

We're talking about Optima celebrating 22 years and I have three of the most amazing guests joining me I have Rodney Korn and I'm Rodney was actually my mentor when we were actually teaching the content and really diving deep into it. 

Rob Redman is joining us as well if you guys were brand new to NASM when it first launched, he was the guy that was in the sweaty gray shirt doing all the videos, he's an incredible person to talk about just kind of diving down into things we might not have known about when they were putting the content together.

And then, of course, a dear friend of mine, Alan Russell, who also he was, he was really big and helping with the performance enhancement and PS. And I actually worked with Alan Russell when I met Mike Clark, who is the creator of the OPT model. And so I've known Alan for a very long time as well. So three incredible guests joining us for a live session.

So if you guys want to know a lot about the history, the foundation of the model, putting it all together, you need to join me live on that day, because you can ask any questions that you want, everything's fair game. Almost everything is fair game. And we would love to definitely have you a part of that. And so you know, Angie, I want to talk to you a little bit because you have been on our team for a very long time, you obviously have a really big background, and a majority of things that we talk about on a daily basis.

So with Optima, you've been around since your Optima first went live. So what is your favorite thing about optima? And what do you love most? Not only in person, but virtually as well. All right, well, thank you. So yes, this is my first year other than the very first year that we hosted Optima that I am not presenting this year, just my schedule got the best to me, and I did not apply to present. But as I was listening to all of you, I got all excited. And I was like, Oh my gosh, at least I get to listen in even if I didn't have the bandwidth to actually present at Optima this year. But what I love is, again, other than that first year, I've been at optimate.

Every year, I initially, of course, love the live energy optimal was always my favorite event of any conference throughout the year, the sense of a feel of a family all around you all the camaraderie, the education that always seemed to really raise the bar in the fitness industry. And I love that because it's so many people on our team, but also a lot of people on the outside, who bring in a lot of their own energy and expertise and can see fitness through a different lens. So I think that of all the conferences, and I presented a lot of different conferences throughout the globe.


Optima has always felt very, very personal to me, because again, it's part of my family that presents there. It's the brand NASM and AFAA that I love. But it's also just that I feel like once again, we really raise the bar, we bring in topics that I don't often hear at other conferences, we bring in a wide range of expertise and people all over the globe, and it's grown exponentially.

But I have to say along with all of that along with all of your all sessions and getting excited about learning what I really love. Also, as the participants, I feel like every year the attendees who come to Optima really challenge us and keep us wanting to grow.

They offer insight and feedback that makes me go Oh, yeah, you know what, that would be a perfect topic in the future. In fact, I have some topics that I'm going to submit for next year because I'm, I'm I'm going to make my bandwidth big enough so that I can fit it in. But But yeah, I think it's a great conference, I think that

You walk away feeling like a better version of you both personally and professionally. I love it. Well, he whether you're presenting or not, you're still part of this new girl and even though you may not see as like, you know, in a lot of different sessions we are attending we are like listening and reading all your comments. Again, that's how we get our ideas for our podcasts, and you know, upcoming optimists sessions. And so one of the things I love the most about Optima, too is like you said, we have I think over 100 speakers this year, it is going to be 100% virtual, so you can join us for or from anywhere.

On the times that are listed, you can find all of this information out on the NASM website. And so if you get a chance, look at all the sessions and start marking times. Plus, if you join Optima on the days that we have it going live you can also earn all of your continuing education units, guys, we need it to continue to stay certified and what better way than growing our education with these fine people along with hundreds of just different sessions on a lot of various topics.

And so there's definitely going to be topics that are going to interest you. 

For the rest of the episode, check out the NASM-CPT Podcast!

The Author

National Academy of Sports Medicine

National Academy of Sports Medicine

Since 1987 the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has been the global leader in delivering evidence-based certifications and advanced specializations to health and fitness professionals. Our products and services are scientifically and clinically proven. They are revered and utilized by leading brands and programs around the world and have launched thousands of successful careers.


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