Dana Bender

Dana Bender
Dana Bender, MS, NBC-HWC, ACSM, E-RYT. Dana works as a Wellness Strategy Manager with Vitality and has 15+ years experience in onsite fitness and wellness management. Dana is also a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, an Adjunct Professor with Rowan University, an E-RYT 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher, AFAA Group Exercise Instructor, ACSM Exercise Physiologist, and ACE Personal Trainer. Learn more about Dana at www.danabenderwellness.com.

Recent Posts


Self-Care: 5 Tips for Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
Self-care is a word that keeps emerging in news articles and company-wide employee emails during the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the unprecedented stress many individuals face, some companies are re-establishing their Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ...
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CPT Workout Plans Recovery

6 Ways to Overcome Burnout from Exercising at Home

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
Overcoming burnout is an important aspect of healthy workout recovery. See our hub on workout recovery to learn much more. When fitness centers closed mid-March in response to COVID-19, many regular gym goers were tasked with converting gym routines to ...
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Break Through Fitness Plateaus with These 4 Tips

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
It is important to change up our personal fitness program when we experience a plateau.. Similarly, it is essential to adjust our fitness program when we notice boredom or disinterest in our exercise program. Lastly, if we no longer feel challenged or ...
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Keys to Keeping Clients Excited as Resolutions Fade

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
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Options for an Active Vacation

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
I love to travel to new destinations and experience new cities, cultures, and cuisines. If you are similar to me and exercise is an ingrained daily habit, the question becomes, “how do I stay active and exercise while still enjoying myself on vacation?”
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CPT Fitness

Exercise Adherence Tips: Avoid Using the Words “I Should”

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
Exercise adherence and commitment vary from individual to individual. Some people have an easy time making exercise a regular habit, while others struggle to stay consistent and need a behavioral change. Some struggle due to barriers in their life ...
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Incorporating Resilience Based Thinking in Daily Life

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
Resiliency is a highly prevalent topic in today’s culture, as there is an increased understanding that mindset impacts wellbeing. Additionally, as work and life demands have increased in our fast paced society, resiliency has become an important part of ...
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Fitness wellness

Tips to Incorporate Mindful Breaks from Technology

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
With the growing utilization of technology in both personal and professional life, there seems to be less time to “just be” without a plethora of stimuli around us. Between computer use at work, smartphone use in our personal life, and the popularity of ...
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Sports Performance

How to Rewire Athlete Self-Talk to Improve Sports Performance

Dana Bender
Dana Bender |
There is a lot to think about during exercise such as maintaining proper body mechanics and posture, controlling effort and force, and breathing properly. These efforts all occur at the same time we motivate and push ourselves to do more and work harder.
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