Group Fitness Workout Plans Muscles
Aubrey Worek
November 2, 2016
Check out Aubrey Worek’s top exercises to build what she calls a million dollar backside!
Aubrey Worek
October 4, 2016
In a world full of eye-catching, flashy, and often times over-the-top fitness professionals, how does one break out of the pack to gain a following in order to make a living in the fitness field? Start by following these six steps to establish your own ...
CPT Fitness Group Fitness Training Benefits
Josh Trent
February 6, 2016
With a surge of new fitness apps, wearable devices, and wellness technologies, trainers are beginning to enter the next level of smart coaching with the potential to garner more money from clients that are getting better results.
Claudia Friedlander, DMus, NASM-CPT
April 16, 2015
As a voice teacher, I was drawn to fitness to develop a sports-specific training protocol for singers. Corrective exercise techniques are often just as important as vocalises for helping my students to become the best singers they can be. Excellent ...