Darlene Marshall

Darlene Marshall
Darlene is a Holistic Wellness Coach who's been working in the fitness and wellness space since 2012. She's an expert at the intersection of fitness, wellness, and well-being. In 2021, Darlene was named America's Favorite Trainer in 2021 by BurnAlong and she hosts the Better Than Fine podcast on the NASM Podcasting Network. She's certified with NASM in Wellness Coaching and Personal Training and has a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She has additional certifications in Nutrition Coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming, and 200hr YTT in Alignment Yoga and training in sleep coaching, motivational interviewing, meditation, and mindfulness. Want to learn more in Darlene's areas of expertise? Check out her NASM product recommendations.
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Fitness Sports Performance Nutrition spotlight

Discussing Alcohol & Nutrition: Making Mindful Choices

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
For many people, having a few drinks is part of day-to-day life—a cocktail after work, a toast at a wedding, or a drink to unwind. It can be easy to lose sight of how alcohol can affect health and wellness. But if you’re working on developing mindfulness ...
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wellness spotlight

Alcohol and Sleep: The Truth Behind Your Nightcap

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
Alcohol and Sleep Alcohol is the oldest and still one of the most widely used, mind-altering substances. It is so common and accepted in our culture that you may take it for granted. Yet, you might want to reconsider an evening cocktail if you take a ...
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wellness spotlight

Unlocking Wellness: Navigating the Three Pillars of the Health Triangle

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
Are you someone who struggles with balancing your well-being? With all the health and wellness information available it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, unsure how to spend your time, energy, and resources to craft a well-balanced wellness practice.
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wellness spotlight

How the Global Wellness Institute is Helping You Practice Mindful Movement

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
Mindfulness, the ability to focus on your experience of the present moment, is often associated with meditation. Many people think mindfulness means sitting on a cushion and focusing on breathing or a mantra. Yet mindfulness can be applied to many other ...
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Health vs. Wellness Coach: What's the Difference?

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
The words “health” and “wellness” are often used interchangeably. The media, coaches, and even your doctors may use either word as a catch all for the status of someone's combined physical and mental state of being. This can be confusing since there are ...
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Wellness Tips for Summer

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
Summer is finally here. The days are longer, the sun is warmer, and the activities available are exploding. It's easy to get overwhelmed or neglect our wellness in the burst of activity, so here's NASM's summer back-to-basics wellness guide from a ...
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Wellness Coach vs Health Coach: What is the Difference?

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
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Wellness Coach vs. Life Coach: What's the Difference?

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) estimates that in 2023 there will be 93,000 certified health and fitness coaches worldwide. Chances are you've encountered coaches with many niches including wellness, career, relationship, and executive ...
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What is a Health Coach and Why Are They Important?

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
While most people know their lifestyle behaviors impact physical and mental health, many individuals and groups struggle to meet basic recommendations for movement, healthful nutrition, proper rest and sleep, and stress management.
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An Ode to Getting Outside: How Time in Nature Improves Our Wellbeing

Darlene Marshall
Darlene Marshall |
Saturday, April 22nd is Earth Day and along with considering each of our impacts on the planet, you might think about how your relationship to our world impacts wellness and wellbeing. There’s growing evidence that time spent outside isn’t only good for ...
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