Q & A with Sal Stowers

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If you’re a fan of daytime television, you probably recognize Sal Stowers. She’s a regular on NBC’s Days of Our Lives, where she plays police detective Lani Price. As you'll see, though, that is just a small part of who she is and what she's passionate about in life.

We recently caught up with Sal to talk to her about her love for fitness, the reason she decided to become a Certified Personal Trainer, and what is next in her fitness journey with NASM.

National Academy of Sports Medicine: When did your passion for health, wellness, and fitness start?

Sal Stowers: I have always been someone who cared deeply for health and fitness. Throughout my twenties, I would take every workout class, became vegan, and wanted to absorb all that I could about wellness but was too intimidated to educate myself further and truly put myself out there in the fitness world. It wasn't until I broke my Patella four years ago that I found myself craving to learn all about my body and take that leap into creating a fitness brand for myself.

NASM: With a successful career in acting, what made you want to take the time to become a Certified Personal Trainer?

Sal: I am very passionate about helping and inspiring people. It’s one of the main reasons I am an actress. I wanted to find ways that I could, outside of my career, continue to shed light on others and inspire my following to fall in love with loving and nurturing their bodies.

I always say, "you get one body, so take care of it, love it, and most importantly, enjoy it."

NASM: How important is it to you to inspire young girls to embrace a lifestyle that focuses on health and fitness?

Sal: Oh, it's so essential that youth is the foundation of the life that you will ultimately live. When you are taught and shown love and care for yourself as a young girl, I feel that you treat and make better choices as you grow into a woman.

And if you weren't taught that or didn't have someone to show you, I hope I can be someone for those young girls and women. It's something I feel every young girl and child deserves.

NASM: Pre-Coronavirus, what was your schedule like shooting Days of Our Lives, and how did you fit your fitness routines into your day?

Sal: We shoot at a very fast past. Monday-Friday and over a hundred pages a day. It can be very intense, but it’s a wonderful place for an artist to be free and immersed in the work. When it comes to my workouts, I am someone who will always find a way. Fitness runs in my veins, so I will get it done.

If my call time is not too early, I was training or in the gym before, and if the morning didn't happen, I for sure made it happen right after filming. When you are genuinely passionate and determined, trust me when I say you will find a way.

NASM: Is your plan to train while continuing your acting career?

Sal: I hope to find a way to build a community and lead workshops on wellness and fitness. Depending on where the world is in the coming months and year due to COVID-19, I’d love to speak to young girls and women, whether it be at a school, conferences, or online platforms, etc. I just want to use my voice to inspire and bring awareness to the beauty of living a purposeful and healthy lifestyle.

NASM: You also are now focusing on your Corrective Exercise Specialization. What led you to the decision to study that as well?

Sal: This was a tough decision at first for me. I knew that my main focus would be on young girls and women, so initially, I considering taking and completing the Women's Fitness Specialization, but due to breaking my patella and what I went through during my recovery process and learning how to modify my exercises, I felt that was something that was so important for me to know to help prevent any further injury for myself.

If I'm going to be someone that people come to for fitness and advice, I want to not only be able to train them but always to help them continue on a path of healing and strengthening, physically and emotionally.

NASM: Was there an individual that inspired you to head down the fitness path as part of your career?

Sal: There wasn't anyone in particular. I've just always admired the fitness community. It’s a beautiful thing for people to want to help others live a healthy life. I have many friends who witness my love for fitness and always encouraged me to go to it.

I just had to get passed my fears, and once I did, that led me to NASM. All I know is at this moment. I will keep educating myself and growing to build a wellness platform to encourage people to look at health and fitness as gifts that will help enrich every aspect of their lives.

The Author



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