NASM-CPT (Q&A) with Tyler Grayson

National Academy of Sports Medicine
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Each month, we'll shine the spotlight on a different NASM Certified Personal Trainer who makes a difference in their community.

For July, we spoke with Tyler Grayson an NASM-CPT and CNC. She is a equestrian who battled and overcame a brain tumor and cancer of the spine to ride again and train others.

How long have you been riding horses?

I have been riding since I was very young. My mother is a professional in the equestrian industry. I was on a horse while in her belly- I have been surrounded and involved with horses for as long as I can remember.

Are there things that you learned in the NASM-CPT program that help you as an equestrian?

I use the anatomy I learned through my NASM CPT program to understand which muscles to strengthen specific to riding horses. The anatomy training gave me knowledge of where each muscle is, along with how each muscle functions. This gave me knowledge on how to train and strengthen muscles needed, and the ability to train in the way they are needed while riding.

What’s the one thing you’ve learned through the NASM-CPT program that has helped you the most?

Learning about the anatomy of the human body and receiving training on how to coach individuals to activate certain muscles has helped me be able to teach people how to engage and activate certain muscles while on a horse.

What’s your favorite and least favorite workout?

My favorite workouts are both core training and gluts.

My least favorite workout is cardio training.

How do you use the knowledge you learned in the Fitness Nutrition course?

I use my knowledge of nutrition in my daily life, first and foremost, to help keep myself as healthy as possible. I have gone through some severe medical things over the last few years, involving a brain and spinal cord tumors. My nutrition has become very important to me for my health and well being. I also do some nutrition coaching for others. I love being able to help others create more healthy habits and ultimately a healthier life. 

What’s your favorite healthy meal/food?

One of my favorite meals is to make riced cauliflower with onions, carrots, broccoli, green/ red peppers, asparagus, and chicken. I make a peanut sauce to top it off, occasionally with some chili flakes for some heat.

For a great riced cauliflower recipe, check out this blog post!

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

The most influential person in my life has been my mother. She is an incredibly strong individual in all aspects of the word. She has taught me how to work and play hard, how to love, and how to go after your dreams. She has been my rock during tough times.

What achievement or accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am most proud of going through the health issues I have and coming out on the other side how I have. I attribute my current circumstances to many things, one being my training through NASM. I went through rough times but those rough times have given me a unique platform to stand on to help others, which is one of the things I care about most in life.

What makes you the happiest?

As I stated before, I love to help others. I am in the works of creating a program for fellow cancer patients to involve my knowledge of fitness training along with nutrition and combine it with the therapeutic magic horses can provide.

The Author

National Academy of Sports Medicine

National Academy of Sports Medicine

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