A Chat with Soon-to-Be CPT Tevin Cherry (Q&A)

National Academy of Sports Medicine
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Tevin Cherry is 28 years old from Thomaston Georgia. He's currently stationed in Atlanta. He was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at the age of 9 months and is an overcomer in spite of the obstacles. Tevis is on his way to earning his CPT certification and flourishing as a fitness professional.

Within this Q&A, we will showcase Tevin Cherry: his interests, his favorite workouts, the influential people in his life, overcoming cerebal palsy, and how he continues to stay so driven as he studies to become a personal trainer. 

Let's get to it!

When did you first take an interest in strength and conditioning?

My passion for strength and conditioning came from taking weight training classes under the tutelage of my coaches Tommy Watson and Steve Patterson when I was a junior in high school.

I could make a case that the seeds were planted earlier in life when my mother brought my twin brother “Teddy” and I a weight-set from Walmart in the 4th grade to help us stay active and build our bodies.

What’s your favorite (and least favorite) workout?

My favorite workout consists of 100 pushups 100 squats a day along with various medicine ball drills. Stretching is very important as well I definitely have to make sure I stay loose and flexible.

I absolutely dislike cardio! It lasts so long, but I understand that it’s necessary to achieve higher levels of fitness.

Why do you want to be a trainer?

I desire to become a personal trainer so that I can help others achieve more healthy active lifestyles. I want to give clients with disabilities a place where they’re welcome and have the opportunity to grow as people.

What’s the one thing you’ve learned through the CPT Guided Study Program that has helped you the most?

The OPT model has stood out to me the most during my studies thus far. I’ve been able to organize my workouts appropriately by understanding the three levels (stabilization Strength and Power) along with the 5 phases ( stabilization, strength, hypertrophy, maximal strength, and power).

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

 The most influential people in my life are my two parents Andrea Cherry and Johnny Cherry who instilled a solid work ethic and belief in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am also thankful for my siblings.

My older sister Candra Cherry my twin brother Terron Cherry and my two best friends Jarvis Blessett and Darryl Jackson for taking care of me throughout the years. 

What kind of goals do you have? 


My goals are simple I want to become the best trainer that I can be so that I can be effective and change lives. I want to work towards standing without assistance. I want to settle down and have children someday when the time is right.

What makes you the happiest?

I am happiest when I know that I’ve made a difference in someone else’s life. I am also happy when I’ve spent a day at the gym and enjoy chicken wings when my diet permits me to do so lol.

What drives you to overcome your obstacles? 

The desire to live a better life is what drives me to succeed. My parents established the importance of accountability early on in my childhood and stressed the importance of setting a goal and finish whatever I start.

What drives you to keep GOING every day?

I do my best to have structure to each day. I make time to workout, rest, and take care of important tasks to ensure that I don’t waste time on things that are not in my control. I also make sure that I keep speaking positive things over myself and stay around positive, uplifting people.

The Author

National Academy of Sports Medicine

National Academy of Sports Medicine

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