NASM CPT Podcast

Special Guest: 2X Olympic Gold Medalist Lindsey Jacobellis

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine
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On this “NASM-CPT Podcast,” Jacobellis joins host Rick Richey to share the elation and personal sense of accomplishment winning Gold, detailed training techniques to reach her peak performance level when needed, the importance of fundamentals, furthering her education as an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, her plans to write a book, and much more. This exclusive, in-depth interview is one you certainly don’t want to miss!

About Lindsey: 

Lindsey Jacobellis is widely considered the greatest snowboarder of all time. In February, Jacobellis further cemented her legacy, winning a pair of Gold Medals in the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

Visit her website by following the link. And check out her instagram profile!

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Rick Richey 00:16

Hey y'all, and welcome to the NASM CPT podcast. My name is Rick Ricci. And today, I have such a treat for myself for you. I have a guest with us today. She is an Olympic gold medalist, which is not something I could say the last time I spoke with her. It is great to have you on the show. Welcome, Lindsay. Jacob Ellis. Hello.

Lindsey Jacobellis 00:41

Hello. It's so great to be back and to be able to have that title since. Yeah, we were. So it's been a long, long road. But yeah, finally happened. And it's, it's so incredible. Some days it just doesn't seem real.

Rick Richey 00:59

It's It's amazing. So let me ask you a question. Now that you've got the gold? Where do you keep them? Where do you put them? Well, around my neck around my neck all day long.

Lindsey Jacobellis 01:13

actually been home all that off, you know much right now. So they've kind of just been traveling with me. And I have some trips here and there. So I've actually just left them with my parents at their house. So I think want to try to make some sort of a cool case are framed for them so they can be displayed. A little bit nicer instead of just the little bags that I have them in to keep.

Rick Richey 01:42

Yeah, all right. I think that's a great idea. I would I would be wearing them. I think continually just around my neck. Beijing 2020 Winter Olympics were really, really good. Really, really good to you.

But it's it's was an elusive journey to get here. And for those of you who don't know, Lindsay has an incredible list has eluded you, it has been that gold medal, and you had been favorite, the favorite favorited favorite many times for that. And just, there were little hiccups.

There were little bumps. And I also think that they were there were times that you actually also metalled which is incredible, considering some of the hits that were taken. So talk us through some of the, the bumps in the road and the fortitude, that that you had to continue going and to finally get up on that that stand.

Lindsey Jacobellis 02:45

Well, like you said, it's been a long go at it. I've been on the US team for 20 years now. And then competing on the World Cup stage, it's how we qualify for the Olympics. And you know, I have 31 World Cup wins. And I've done X Games and World Championships.

But it seems that cycle every four years, I've just had bad luck with that certain competition. And then 2006 I got a silver, I was the favorite to win. And I just fell short of that. And, you know, that was always what I was known for as an individual. And that was really hard to have that marked on me as such a young athlete being 20. And every four years that cycle and they want to always name it redemption or something else when it was really something just unfortunate happened.

Because if you looked at the statistics, if you looked at my history, outside of the Olympic cycle, I was consistently winning, or on the podium, I think I have a 50% chance, even now of being on the podium with my current stats. And it was just bad luck, which then goes to show how the Olympics really are for a lot of athletes. So many athletes deserve to be on that stage and to potentially even win on that single day.

But it comes down to just these crazy percentages or chances that just don't line up. And it's hard. And it was always hard for me to watch Summer Olympics or any other big sporting event where it didn't go well for a specific athlete because I could empathize with that athlete and I knew how that felt to just be so close and then to be branded as someone who fell short for 16 years.

So I had many times that I wanted to either move on or exhaust other options In my life, but I would step back a little bit in the offseason and, and maybe go over those realities, but then decided no, but I still loved being a part of racing and the sport and wanted to keep pushing the development for the sport, especially on the women's side. So it was something I wasn't ready to stop or give up. So, you know, just took it in those four year blocks of training and our preparations, you know, really always the same in the summer, we're doing more conditioning, and then get into strength.

And then in the fall, it's more explosive, and keeping that strength up as best as possible throughout the winter, and then starting all over again, with that cycle. And it's been like that for 20 years, but it has helped my body really stay. You know, considering what it's been through surgeries, all the injuries, it's still in pretty decent shape considering getting banged up a lot. So I have to say, you know, having that regimented you know, workouts and just taking care of my body has definitely helped me in longevity.

So it's finally incredible to say that I'm an Olympic gold medalist not once but twice and being able to have won the team event, which was a new event this year. And it was so wonderful, but then have two chances to win a medal and not only do it with a teammate that's been with me for 15 years or more. So, you know, bomb was the oldest male to be winning a medal, and I was the oldest female to be winning.

Rick Richey 06:44

Oh, wow. I don't know, if I realized that.

Lindsey Jacobellis 06:47

We were essentially, you know, written off because we were older, like we were still, you know, had the skills that had the possibility of maybe getting on the podium, but we weren't necessarily the favorites.

But I think our skill set and my experience overall helped with this style course that was at Beijing over this past winter. So I think that that helped out tremendously.

Rick Richey 07:15

I love this. All right. So ladies and gentlemen, this is the NASM CPT podcast, and we have with us Lindsey, Jacob Ellis, a Olympic gold medalist. Let's just say this, I think it's important to time Olympic gold medalist, I want to speak this back to you, in your words, the word that you used with me the last time we spoke, you use the word.

Well, let me say it this way, what is it like to be such a seasoned athlete or a seasoned competitor, with so many young and incredible talents, that that you get up every day, what's the difference between how you do what you do and what they're doing, or what you used to do as a younger competitor, and how you do your training now.

Lindsey Jacobellis 08:02

I mean, I think the difference is getting up in the morning, those young 20 year olds aren't taking those first steps that are a little stiff and getting up. But you know, that's the difference of a younger athlete. And an older athlete, the younger athlete has to put the time in the gym and those early conditioning years in because it's not ingrained in their, their body as much, I have to be training smarter, I can't just be going all out and doing super heavy volume, consistently, I can try to stick to a schedule, but I have to be listening to my body.

And soon as I feel like I might be overtraining, I have to reel it back a little bit, I need to be getting enough sleep, I need to be getting the proper nutrition, and the workout all have to be working together. Now a younger athlete might potentially be able to stay up and be a little bit social, but then go to the gym the next day and not have quite the same repercussions that I would have if I was in that situation. So I think it's really just learning your body. And it's a trial and error but the whole time and it has been for the last 20 years.

You know some things that you can get away with with your body and you know, some things that you can't, I've been running and I love running so that sort of tacked in that volume doesn't affect me the same way it does some of the other athletes on my team, a lot of them really like biking. So if they were to switch over and start running, and using that as their cardio and then start doing their weight workout, they might have a little bit more pain in their knees or their shins. So it's really just understanding what best works for you and not be getting really discouraged by it.

I did this workout, this person's doing it, they seem to be having success, I think that's usually a challenge, whether it's your own personal fitness goals, or athletes comparing themselves to other athletes, there's no set blueprint to your individual success, you can have a general scale, but then it has to be a sliding scale a little bit, you have to be able to adjust. And if you like biking, or you like something that is not as much impact, maybe you try swimming for your cardio. So personally, running has never really hurt me in the long run.

And I like having that exercise outside and that movement, and then I can easily go into the gym, and it doesn't really hurt me even on a heavy lifting day. So I would say our differences would be, you know, our volumes and our recovery time. So I might be better with having that volume, because I've had that history. But I don't have a great recovery.

As far as comparing myself to a younger athlete, so I have to maybe cheat more and work more on my recovery. And they might have to work a different differently in a cardio base, or something that hurts them in an impact way. So it's all it's all personal. And that's the fun is finding out what works for you. It is a trial and error and that it can be a little stressful when you're having those setbacks. But as long as you set your overall goal and figure out how you want to, you know, get your path to that that goal is really the important part.

Rick Richey 11:47

Right? I love that. And I understand why there are a lot of athletes that might do the the biking or the cycling, because it minimizes impacts. And running, if that doesn't bother people I understand.

I understand, like, do what you love. And if your body can handle it make it happen. But there's also another component to it. Right? So there's a mental component, there's a not just a physical recovery and a mental recovery. So with that being said, are you still doing a little bit of this?

Rick Richey 12:23

There's my file note right there. Are you still doing the EUC?

Lindsey Jacobellis 12:27

I been playing it a little bit. That's definitely been really nice. Over the last couple of months, I haven't been able to carry it with me because I was carrying so much equipment, I think actually flying home from where was I in China? I think I had like nine bags checked. So Wow. You know, it was just a little too much to carry. And I haven't really been home all that much.

So I haven't been to play as much. But my mental strengthening, I think over the last eight years has made some incredible strides as far as understanding what I need, understanding how to communicate that to my coaches, or other staff members of the US team. And I think that made a really big impact. And what I needed in that moment, because it changes, you know, everyone said, Oh, my gosh, you look so calm.

And I was like really because there was moments on TV that I really was not calm and I try to avoid the camera in the background. And then when they're in the gate, you have no choice. And then at that point, I had to just pull the positive because of the situation I was in the final heat. There's for athletes, instead of being like, oh my god, like there's a lot of pressure to win gold. My concept and thought process was alright, I'm in a really great position, I got a 75% chance of getting a medal.

This is great is a great opportunity. Those are great percentages, if I'm just writing how I ride if I'm, if I don't win the start, I can draft and I've got these couple of favorite spots that I can pass. If I'm in the lead, I have my pick of the litter of any line that I want. So it was really just playing it as it came to me instead of just trying to think of the one and elusive gold because that's that's a really hard thing to really focus on and it puts so much more stress on an athlete to perform.

Rick Richey 14:40

Right. Well, I have a theory and i don't i don't know I'm just speculating here but all of you previous Olympics, you were not an NASM CPT and correlation is not causation but you became a certified personal trainer through NASM.

And then suddenly, I just want to shout that out and say like, how did you know the studying what what led you to to NASM to get your certification in personal training, and then were you able to take any tidbits they learned through your studies, and apply them with your skills training, and your conditioning, training and all that stuff.

Lindsey Jacobellis 15:25

I think, I mean, I've been wanting to get my NASM certification for a while, because I thought it was a great way for me to transition out of sport, whether it was something that I stuck to being a personal trainer, or if it helped open other doors to other opportunities, but I just figured I'd already been doing this training at a certain level, why not start with NASM and go from there.

So during the first shutdown, I considered you know, you know, we can't travel anywhere, we have no idea when competitions and full training or gyms would really be back into effect. So I just decided, you know, what, I've already converted my garage into my gym to work out, I might as well be taking the shutdown time to get my certification. And I've kind of been, you know, going through the textbook and getting some of that information.

So I was like, you know, what, I should just do the course right now. And, you know, I think I read through it in like three or four months, because, you know, there wasn't really much to do. So I was able to fully put all of my time into that. And it helped me really accumulate the knowledge and retain it really well, because I didn't have to go back and forth, and I had full attention into it.

And it really reinforced everything that I knew, but it helped me get better verbal cues for when I was working with anyone training them, or if I was actually trying to communicate with our physical therapists, or with our strength coaches back with the US team have what I felt was happening to my body and how I needed to adjust my training schedule.

So it did give me a little bit deeper knowledge into obviously, the recovery because of my age, and what I needed, as well as I would say, utilizing my fast muscle twitch fibers and having to focus on those more, because at my age, I saw that being the first to decline, if I hadn't been training as long, they would come back quickly. But I have to kind of do just some sort of light maintenance. And so I started to notice that more, which then I could communicate with our trainers work together to make a really good schedule for when I'm at home and I have everything to work with.

Or if I'm on the road, and I have to be creative with, you know, in the parking structure, or in a hotel room or something that is very, very limited to, you know, help me get the best thing and it's just nice to be working with somebody that had, you know, that knowledge of it and have my, you know, newer ideas come through and have a blend of you know, both that so I was really excited to become a part of the NASM team and have that it just sparks your ideas.

And then you want to have that health and wellness, you know, knowledge given to everyone because you see how individuals are or are struggling with certain day to day activities or they have their goals that they have long term and it's like I can help you I can give you a couple things that you can stick to, I think you'll see a few difference, you know, a difference in your lifestyle in your in your overall mood in three or six months. So it was it was nice to be able to share that experience with others.

Rick Richey 19:01

Right? Well as as a personal trainer, I know that I have this. We as personal trainers and fitness professionals and coaches have this amazing gift that we give to people we work with people there's a an incredible connection that we have with our clients and athletes and in terms of coaching so maybe just tell us a little bit about how trainers and coaches have influenced you in your life and your process through all the training that you've done for me it seems like your entire life.

Lindsey Jacobellis 19:37

Yes, I've had coaches my entire life starting with T ball up until my my US team coaches that I currently still have so it's it's really important to be able to get those bonds and those those levels of communication dials because you You can really see an athlete develop physically, mentally, just the whole package. And I had been working with a strength coach for, you know, over 10 years.

And then when everything had shut down, you know, he was always pushing me to get my NASM. And, you know, things were going so well, with snowboarding, I'm like, Yeah, I've got my plate full, but I'm definitely going in that direction. My trainer, Rob was always like, you need to do NASM, you'll love it, you'll be so good at it, like you already know so much. And I learned a lot of that process through him because he was treat training me on that OPT model.

And, you know, utilizing what he knew, and we'd also incorporate any other skills from the US team and blend them and figure out the best thing that worked best and responded the best to my body.

As far as what I needed, as well as allowing me to do my other personal fun things, whether it be surfing or going running, so that he made sure that I wasn't doing too much of one thing to refer to, you know, minimize injury and just overuse. So it was, it's really important to have that and what trainers can can give is that, that inspiration that comfort, that support and a great friendship.

Rick Richey 21:33

That's very true. And at some point, you're gonna have to give me maybe Rob's email address, so I can give him a personal thank you for bringing you on board to the end. So shout out to rob for that. I do have a question.

I want to talk a little bit about social media and social media. And this is because you, you have such strength in what it is that you do you have the many abilities right. But here's the thing, social media can be very showy.

And for many trainers, particularly newer trainers, it they may lack some of the fundamentals and kind of skip over it so they can jump into some of the more fancy things. So for somebody to get in a sport, that it's like built in as an incredible show your sport, how important are fundamentals in your sport, and in your training?

Lindsey Jacobellis 22:32

fundamentals are so, so so important. Every spring, we go back to basic conditioning, all the stuff that, you know, you're doing bodyweight stuff that you think a professional athlete at that caliber is never doing bodyweight stuff, it's everything to re educate your stabilizers, anything that you have had, you know, an imbalance, we're such an asymmetric sport, there's no way we can go one season without getting a little twisted off balance in any way.

So these early months are to really try to strengthen all of those smaller muscle groups and those stabilizers to one recognize, do we have a problem somewhere? Do we have any pain somewhere, address it now, before we start getting into heavy lifting, where then further problems can really really come up to bite you in the butt?

So yeah, that's, that's the conditioning side. And when we get back on our snowboards 100% We go back to turning drills something that I've been doing my whole career, but we go back to turning drills, we're making sure our body positions in the right you know, right angles are that our boots are there that our bindings, everything is flexing because a lot of the times we're breaking in new equipment.

So we're trying to make sure is this new equipment setup, working with our body position, what needs to be tweaked? How do we need to adjust ourselves? So every year we're looping back to fundamentals and I could see how on social media, it would be really exciting to just show a perfect clean, or where's the Turkish get ups I love doing those but you know, even just doing wall sits holding those, you know, isometric just for just for overall conditioning or band exercises. They're not showy, they're not fun, but they're they're just as important.

Rick Richey 24:45

Right? I had just on last week's show, I was talking about this a little bit. And I had some guys better trainers working out at my gym. And then after was over, they use this phrase, they say let's shoot some content.

And so they go to shoot some content and it wasn't any of the stuff that they just did it was incredible workout they did. But then they turn around and they start doing like kettlebell flips. And then like dabbing and stuff like that while it's in the air, and there's all this kind of cool stuff, and they put it on social media.

But people look at that. And they go, Oh, is that what what training is, that's what the trainers do. So that must be how they look like that and or perform it these ways. But they don't do that stuff. That's just the showy stuff. They are solid in their fundamental fundamentals. That's what they practice. And then they hit record, and then do all the crazy stuff.

Lindsey Jacobellis 25:37

Right. So those maneuvers that they're putting on for show, those are high end maneuvers, those are very specific training tools that have probably taken months to get that muscle coordination, strength and conditioning to do. Because it is cool to see, you know, the big end result, it's, you know, it's not this, it's the same as someone in the halfpipe going and doing a double cork, instead of just a straight air there, you know, there weren't through the pipe out or in my case, you know, going in hitting the big gap jump instead of inspecting the course, those are all important things.

So there is that shift in reality when you're looking at Instagram, and it's not, it is not so instant anymore, it is not the full scope that you're seeing, there are those tidbits missing sometimes. And I think it is a little confusing to clients when they want to come in and, and do those maneuvers because they see that person has that body type.

And they've done that maneuver, or workout. So they should be doing that workout. And they'll get that body type instead of seeing the full package. And that's one thing I've had a challenge with, when I'm, you know, selling myself as an a personal trainer, they see, you know, my body tied, they see other people that I work out with, they're like, Well, I want your legs or your butt. And it's like, well, I've been working on this for 20 years, and I keep doing the same cycle. So you can't just jump into my cycle, we have to be building some basic skills, and it will be a growth process.

So it could be six months to a year till these people see these kinds of results. And that can be discouraging to people and to trainers to help and to re educate them. But the best thing to do as a trainer to be is you're on the right path, you're making strides to make goals along the way that these individuals are hitting and reminding them that overall, you are healthier. And you're getting, you're going down the direction that you need to get those physical goals achieved.

Rick Richey 28:06

Oh, I love that Do y'all do? Do y'all lay out smart goals? Do you go through for for your training and say, Okay, there's a very specific thing that we want to do. We can measure what that looks like, we identify whether or not that is attainable, whether it's relevant to what you're doing, and then do you put a time, like, we need to train for it.

So we can hit those marks by this time? Do you do that in in your sporting environment where you may try something new, or hit something new, and just lay out a series of goals by a certain time?

Lindsey Jacobellis 28:40

Well, our goals and our cycles are within every year, and then we'll be using our Olympic cycle is our four year peak. So every year we want to be spiking strength and power wise, December, January, February into March that is hard to sustain the whole year.

But we try to peak there, then we give ourselves a month or two of recovery not doing absolutely nothing, but just lighter conditioning, movement and repairs, such as maybe yoga, something that's just stretching, but muscle activation and just, you know, light cardio. And then we'll work through our you know, conditioning strength and power. And then as as we see that year goes on, we're like, where did I lose power?

Why wasn't I able to maybe sustain it? Do I have to make adjustments when I start a different training protocol throughout the summer. And that way I can get a pretty good base after a couple of years of that say, okay, we can tweak a couple of things. We don't want to peak too early, hopefully within this four year cycle. Well, now we really have had these last couple of years dialed down. So then in February, when we want to be at our best we can be

Rick Richey 30:08

Perfect. Yes, absolutely. All right, ladies and gentlemen, this is the NASM CPT podcast and we have gold medalist Lindsey jacobellis, along with all the other hardware that she has, we can now add gold medalists to it.

With that being said, I want to share this. So I am the father of a beautiful 13 year old girl and I am drawn to a particular project that you are associated with. So can you tell me a little bit about the work that you were doing to help inspire and empower some of the young female athletes? I think it was the Super Girl snow Pro, is that still going on?

Lindsey Jacobellis 30:48

Well, we actually just snuck in the last event before the shutdown happened, because I think we had it in late February, and everything started shutting down in March. And then I hadn't gotten around to redoing it. Because our contract ended with Bear Mountain. And then I really wanted to give the Olympics my full attention, because it might be my last time.

So I put Super Girl snow on the shelf. But Super Girls search was still very much happening. And they had to adjust the times that they were actually having the event. I think in the year the shutdown, they normally have it in the summer, they had moved it to October and didn't have their big outside festivals to the degree that they normally do. Last summer. Again, they were able to have it in July, it was outside it was not to the full scale that it had been. But it was there and it was available. So just being a part of the Super Girl snow. And surf was such an incredible experience.

First, I got to learn the whole production side of an event. So I will never never complain about an event didn't have this or it was really lacking. Because I understand what goes on into coordinating everything. And it's just constant problem solving. You can have it perfectly laid out and then something goes wrong, and then nothing else lines up.

So then you have to constantly be just, you know, patch working everything it was, yeah, it was wild. But to see how it impacted. These younger women, whether they end up in sport or not, is just a community that supports women, and helps these younger women see what they can really accomplish.

Rick Richey 32:44

So nice. Nice. Well, I have a question. Because this happens to me a lot. When I work with people I instruct people. You know, we teach workshops, which we haven't done since the pandemic, but you know, they're similar workshops from NASM, that we've been teaching for ages. And I've been working with NASM for all 1515 years now. And we teach these workshops, and then I get a chance to sit back when we partner teach and somebody else teaches. And almost every time I sit there and I go, Oh my gosh, that's so true.

That's very good. Maybe I can apply that to myself, or when I'm working with somebody, and I'm coaching them. hearing my words, if I pause it actually listening to myself, I think that's something that I can apply to myself. So when you're doing this with these young girls or any of your clients or working with them, do you ever say things out loud and then go, oh, I should really start doing that?

Lindsey Jacobellis 33:45

Well, it just reinforces your fundamentals. Ultimately, you are bringing certain individuals back to basics or working on skill sets that you've been doing naturally for years and years that you might actually forget to do yourself. And it's a great reminder, you know, teaching is the best way to learn as well.

So great. You know, it helps you give the appreciation, appreciation back to those early lessons that maybe you have neglected for a little bit of time. So I've definitely utilized it and it's it's whether on snow or just mentoring and helping younger athletes it it helps you then be in the moment like don't get too too worried. I'm always thinking down the road. It's just bringing it back and appreciating the moment is really important.

Rick Richey 34:40

All right, well, I do have another few things that I want to run by you. And one of them is because we're talking about you inspiring other people who inspires you or what inspires you.

Lindsey Jacobellis 34:56

I've had I've had a lot of inspiration from So many different sources. And my parents have always been a big inspiration as well as my brother, my brother got me into snowboarding at such an early age and being a sibling that's five years younger, you're you are clinging desperately to just be in the scene and be involved with the friends.

So I have to work that much harder being a little kid to just be within their circle. So I always felt like I was the underdog. But that was the role that I was really good at, to just strive to, you know, to go through the adversity that five years wasn't a big deal I can do if my brother was doing it, because I'll just try to do it exactly like he was doing it. So I've been working with a mental mental coach, Denise Showa from the rethink group.

And, you know, just what I've learned from her, and what I've able, been able to teach to younger athletes, I think, also reinforces my knowledge of her mental training methods, and also helps me educate these younger athletes to really see the bigger picture. And not even just the athletes, I would say, educating the parents of what their kid is getting involved in, and what that whole picture looks like.

And, I mean, I could go on and on, who's inspired me, I've had, uh, you know, amazing coaches, I've had, you know, my trainer that's helped and inspired me. And, you know, I have a wonderful family and support system, and all my friends from Roxbury, Connecticut that, you know, never gave up and always supported. And, you know, they hung my, my banner, my name every four years for the last Olympic cycle, you know, I never knew about it.

And you know, I wasn't always living in Roxboro, my parents were there, but I was always all over the globe. And they're always giving me that love and that recognition no matter what, so I would say, I would say, I'm very thankful for them. And that that inspiration, and that support has definitely kept me fueled and fired to take on what whatever.

Rick Richey 37:21

Wow, I love it. Well, one more thing, one more follow up, and then I'll let you go. Because I don't want to keep you and respect your time. And I know you're all over the place. But I want to know, what is next for Lindsey jacobellis. And I also want to know what and how maybe those NASM credentials fit in?

Lindsey Jacobellis 37:41

Well, I was in the process of getting my corrective exercise. And I was just about to be taking the test this last November, and I broke my arm and I had to get surgery. So I then really had to put so much focus into therapy and rehabbing my arm. So like, I can't take the test now, like, you know, when you do that cram, study, then you're just ready to take the test. And then those couple days go through, and you're like, I could probably do it, but it's just not how I like to study and then execute a test. And I was like, You know what, I don't have to deal with this until August.

Obviously, my main focus right now is the Olympics and getting my arm healthy and healed and ready to get this going. So I had to put that on the side. So I have all my notes ready to go. And I will be getting back into that to get my corrective exercise. I also really want to get my, you know, Senior Education for personal training, because I think it is definitely a clientele that's really, really booming right now.

Because especially, I noticed that, you know, my parents are getting old, and it's just little things that I'm trying to correct them to do. So it's safer for them. And it's giving them the most comfort in their daily movement and living. But on another note, personally, I am working on an autobiography. Yeah. And I did just do the children's book. So G a true story. And I've been going around to a couple of schools and reading that so I feel like I have all these little tiny projects happening. But I am still preparing to race this winter.

So I'm going through all of my strength and conditioning as I would as I have over the last two decades. So mentally haven't really been trying to change too much. Just trying to add a few things to my plate and work on that and see what doors open in the meantime because Right now I'm not fully ready to switch to be an NASM. Trainer full time yet, it's something I still want to get more time and more education before I jump fully into that, but I'm really excited about the other courses that I'm planning to get and the knowledge that I can acquire from that.

Rick Richey 40:26

That's awesome. I will say that I just did several interviews with the authors of every chapter of the senior fitness specialist with that NASM just put out, and they are amazing.

The content is incredible. I read the chapters before I interviewed the people. And it's just, it's riddled with incredible research, a lot of great content, a lot of great application. So I think that's great. And I do suggest that to you. But I also want to save this and this is something I've been thinking about it just as you were talking right.

So you're still outperforming right. And you're doing all this stuff, but what's it like for you? As it's almost like the last woman standing in many respects, right? A people that you started with people that started after you started and they're retiring before you like what is that like to see, like, all these people start to fall off and you're still going at it,

Lindsey Jacobellis 41:24

I would look at it at it as necessarily falling off, it's just going different walks of life. And right now, you know, I still have something to give snowboarding, whether it will be at the capacity of me being as a competitor, or maybe being a part time coach, part time coach and strength and conditioning coach, there's, there's so many opportunities, and I have not decided what calling will be the strongest, especially transitioning out of something I've dedicated over 20 years to I don't think I can just flip a switch and be like,

Okay, I'm gonna train to do this, I, I really wanted to dabble and but what drew me to the NASM program, and platform is I felt like I could get so much knowledge and tap into so many other fields. Because there was so many, you know, different programs to really look into, I thought, you know, I would for sure want to be coaching young athletes, or be, you know, teaching teens, but I could be very, very happy with having more of, you know, older clients, or, you know, ex athletes or people that aren't traveling as much that have had that seasoning and that conditioning, but they want to have better longevity in their life, or they just want to improve their quality of life.

So I I was really, really excited to see what could be offered to me through the NASM channels. And then I felt like if I had that, then I could particularly go in any direction, because I'd have such a strong basis of knowledge.

Rick Richey 43:17

100% Lindsey, Jacob, fellas, thank you so much for taking time to share with us. Your story, I will be the first person to buy your book when it comes out. I'm ready. I'm ready right now. Can you do this let people know your social media handles your your website, things like that so they can follow you.

Lindsey Jacobellis 43:41

I'm probably the most engaged on Instagram. And it's just my first and last name Lindsey Jacob Ellis. I definitely haven't been as active in the last month I've just been really trying to catch up with family. But as the season is picking up and back and conditioning back to what I'm doing, I will definitely be getting more involved on that and been doing, you know, reels and workouts and adventures, of course. So that's probably the best way to interact.

Rick Richey 44:14

Fantastic. All right, I follow you. So I'm always checking in and waiting to see for this next ukulele post to leave that being said thank you so much for being here being part of the NASM CPT podcast and for those of you who are watching, I want to say thank you so much for listening. Thank you for being here.

Like subscribe and make sure you share this with your fitness family. And then you can reach out to me on Instagram at Dr dot Rick Ricci or you can email me at This has been the NASM CPT podcast

The Author

National Academy of Sports Medicine

National Academy of Sports Medicine

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