There’s a Personal Training App for That. It’s the EDGE App.

Stacey Penney
Stacey Penney
| Stay Updated with NASM!

A personal training app so powerful, it will change the way you train forever.

Apps allow us to easily carry tons of information in just the palm of our hand. They also allow us to track and monitor our actions, allowing for better accountability, and perhaps an encouraging nudge when needed. An important question now becomes what do fitness professionals and their clients need in an app to be successful? We were really interested to find out so we asked our personal trainers and fit pros. Here is what we discovered they wanted in a personal training app.

Quick access to client information, anywhere, anytime, without the hassle of paperwork, filing and storage.

How old school is it to walk around the gym with a clipboard and file folder in hand while hunting for the lost pencil to note how many reps and sets your client just completed? Or searching through a file drawer for their most recent overhead squat assessment results for comparison. Being able to quickly and easily track and refer back to a client’s metrics in the palm of your hand helps you better create training programs and the results your clients have come to you for - without spending your valuable time filing paperwork. No one likes filing.

An easy-to-use workout builder that utilizes your clients’ fitness assessment results and the NASM OPT™ model to design safe and effective workouts.

Great trainers have a toolbox full of exercises and knowledge, but having a suite of pre-built workouts that can be uniquely modified is a real time saver that removes programming guesswork. The new EDGE app utilizes your clients’ assessments and goals, giving you the proven power of NASM’s OPT™ model at your fingertips.

A connected way to share additional training services beyond traditional live sessions.

How many personal trainers work ‘live’ with their clients 3-5 days per week? I’d imagine not many of us have that robust or dedicated client roster. With an app like the EDGE, you can create and schedule workout programs to provide guidance for the times you aren’t with your clients. Plus, your clients will be able to let you know they completed the workout (or didn’t!) along with tracking metrics towards their goals. This extension of your training services can also help you create additional revenue streams.

A comprehensive exercise library that can be used as a reference tool and also shared within the workout programs you deliver to your clients.

When you aren’t training with your clients, how do you keep them on track with their goals and aligned with their assessment results? You can write them out a program, but will they remember how to do the exercise correctly? Luckily the EDGE app is able to easily integrate video links from the extensive built-in library. Clients will be able to directly access how-to reference videos if they don’t remember how to do a goblet squat or any other exercise you assigned. Right there, on the spot, with just a touch on their phone. No excuses for not completing the workout!

We created an app that can do all of that. It’s called the EDGE app. Keep your clients and career organized in this one easy-to-use app.

Download the Edge today and receive your first 30 days free.


And yes, EDGE is a personal trainer app for iPhone and android!


The Author

Stacey Penney

Stacey Penney

Stacey Penney, MS, NASM-CPT, CES, PES, CNC, is the Content Strategist with NASM and AFAA. A 20+ year veteran of the fitness industry, she's worked with the top certification and continuing education groups. At NASM and AFAA she drives the content for American Fitness Magazine, blog and the social media platforms. Stacey received her degree in Athletic Training/PE from San Diego State University and an MS in Exercise Science from CalU, plus credentials in Health Promotion Management & Consulting (UCSD), Instructional Technology (SDSU), group fitness and yoga. Previous San Diego Fall Prevention Task Force Chair, she’s developed continuing education curriculum for fitness organizations in addition to personal training, writing, and co-coaching youth rec soccer.


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